Sunday, 11 March 2018

Seniors Section AGM - 13th February 2018

The 2017 AGM took place on 13th February 2018 and was attended by 63 of our 169 members. 35 apologies were received. The Captain's, Secretary's and Treasurer's reports were given and the 2017 accounts approved. The Officers for 2018 were elected with Jim Kerr as Captain, who was then presented with his Captain's Jumper. David Gauge was elected as Vice-captain. Fred Williams became Immediate Past Captain and was presented with a Pro Shop voucher with which he says he will buy new irons. Les Bolland and David Crosby managed to hang on to their respective posts as Treasurer and Secretary unopposed! Jim Peacock stepped down from the Committee having served three years successively as Vice, Captain and IMC With Fred and Jim now completely stress free, both are expected to challenge for Golfer of the Year in 2018. William Skelding was re-elected as Auditor and thanked for his work. 
Captain Jim receives his Jumper
John Ellary and Algy Grimes were thanked for their work respectively as Clothing and Blog Administrators and they will continue in those roles. As previously recommended by Peter Hollingsworth the HonSec will be assisted in 2018 by Richard Westergreen-Thorne (Match Administrator) and Ken Doggrell ("Opens" Administrator). Contact details for all officers and administrators are on the Senior Section Noticeboard.

Under AOB:
  1. Brian Bullen submitted a question as to why there were only two Seniors 'Honours Boards'. The Hon Sec stated that the Club had already been approached to take into account the location of Senior Section Boards in the proposed Clubhouse Refurbishment project. But this needs to be seen in the context of the standing of the Senior Section explained below. Captain Jim Kerr is already in the process of extending the Senior Section Captain's board.
  2. The Hon Sec explained the 2018 Update to the CONGU Unified Handicapping System and, after discussion, it was agreed that eligibility for Matches and Medal Competitions would be restricted to those with active competition handicaps of 28.4 or less. It was further agreed that only those with active handicaps would be eligible to win trophies and voucher prizes though all could win a 'Bring and Win' and 'Christmas Fayre' prize.
  3. He also explained the discussions with the Club regarding a 2-tee start and informed members that the Officers of the Club had stated that the only reason the General Committee had refused the request was that the majority of members of the current GC did not wish to allow it. They also accepted that the "failure" of the trial to allow matches to start on the 9th and 10th tees (as well as the 1st) was because the GC had not ensured that all members were informed of the arrangement. They pointed out that the Senior Section was not a 'Section' but a 'Society'. (Ladies are members of the Ladies Section by virtue of their gender. Juniors are members of the Junior Section by virtue of their age. But SOME male members of the Club aged over 59 are members of the Senior Section by choice and by payment of an additional subscription. They pointed out that the "Senior Section" is allowed privileges (the booking of tee times and waiving of green fees for matches and the Member & Guest Day) which are not allowed to other Societies. Given this response by the Officers of the Club, it was recommended that no further action be taken until the new General Committee is elected at the Club AGM on 29th March 2018. The Senior Section may then make a request to the new General Committee.
Captain Jim Kerr thanked those attending and closed the meeting at 4:00pm

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