Sunday, 11 March 2018

Seniors and Ladies Mixed Greensomes - 8th March 2018

There were 44 ladies and 44 seniors who braved the cold wind and competed with each other in a Mixed Greensomes on the Carthagena. I am glad to say it brightened up as we got into the back nine. My partner for the day was ladies captain Susan Colledge we had a good time. Unfortunately Sue allowed me to drag her golf game down to my level, so all we had left was to swap jokes.
 The ladies brought in a wonderful array of cakes and savouries which were much enjoyed after the rigours of the golf, with the gentlemen providing the liquid refreshments (mostly).  
The Raffle collected £200 of which £100 went to Sue's charity "KEECH" and £100 to my charity "MIND"  

While we are on charities Sue is looking for anything that can be auctioned or raffled for her charity, there are two dates the 5th April and the 8th April, all donations would be gratefully accepted.

The Winners of the day were;
1st place Susan Hankins and Vernon Toms with 40 points
2nd place Jane Hector and Richard Westergreen-Thorne with 39 points.
3rd place Janice Turner and Brian Bullen with 38 points.

Winners Vernon Toms and Susan Hankins
3rd - Brian Bullen and Janice Turner
2nd - Jane Hector and Richard Westergreen-Thorne

Nearest the pin for the Ladies was Marion Cooper and the Seniors was Phil White

 Captain Jim presented Ladies Captain Sue with an arrangement of flowers.

I would like to thank the organiser Les and the meet and greet team Paul and Anne. for their help on the day.

Jim Kerr - Senior Section Captain 

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