Monday 3 April 2017

Away Match v Bedford & County - 28th March 2017

Although not forecast, the weather was initially very misty causing a delay to the start, despite the fact that the JOG members all arrived on schedule allowing the organiser the opportunity to relax. The Bedford & County Seniors Captain introduced himself and was proud to announce that he was not the shortest player (he was standing next to Captain Fred at the time !), although I think a micrometre would be necessary to confirm the difference in height.

The initial part of the day continued to be misty, cold and damp, making the course play longer, but fortunately we were bathed in sunshine before the games were complete.

There were mixed fortunes with two games being decided early (a 7 & 6 loss and a 5 & 4 win bandits on both sides), two games decided on the last hole (one win, and one loss), and Fred and I were holding our own against Ron Etheridge 9 h/cap but played to 2 over, until we stopped for a sausage roll and lost the next 3 holes – I reckon our dogs were doctored !

We were looking good for an unexpected match win, sitting in the club house 4-3 up and the last match was reported to be 3 up. Confidence reigned until the last match came in having lost on the last hole !

Final match score was a creditable 4-4 draw, followed by roast beef – all in all a great day, just a couple of handicaps need to be reviewed (19 h/cap and a card 5 over par – hmmmmm.)
Graham McKay - Match Organiser

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