Wednesday 22 March 2017

Home Match v Saffron Walden Seniors on 21st March 2017

A bright and sunny day saw 16 of JOGs best Seniors take on 16 of SWGC's best Seniors on the JOG course. The clouds gathered, spots of rain were felt and the wind blew, but that didn't deter the JOG squad - or at least most of them, overall score was 6 - 2 to JOG.

Being the only team that lost (game 1) means that the JOG Seniors' Captain will now have to come up in front of himself and explain himself. I wonder if he'll get picked for the next match????

Of course organiser Steve Collins tried his best. (In the absence of direct evidence I'm making assumptions here!!)  He must have done to win the JOG NTP. He certainly did well with his menu choice - steak pie and a hot pudding with custard - which seemed to be enjoyed by all.

SWGC have something to live up to when we visit them on 31st May. Mind you - so do the JOG Seniors on the golf course. But we're up for it.

Hon. Sec.

Subsequent note from Captain Fred -
"Steve and I managed to pluck defeat from the jaws of victory being 4 up at the turn, but that is match play golf!!"

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