Thursday 22 December 2016

Senior Section Christmas Fayre - 2016

The Baz Backhouse Black Enamelled B’Stard Trophy

81 golfers enjoyed cold but clear conditions on Tuesday 20th December for the 2016 Senior Section Christmas Fayre. This was Captain Fred William's first event and he eschewed nerves to come in with a creditable 37 points. Sadly he was one of 5 golfers on that score and they only occupied places 6 to 10. Mike Marshall (38 with 20 points on the back 9) beat Richard Cobb (19) and Alan Anderson (16) to third place on count-back. Richard Westergreen-Thorne took second place on his own with 40 points off a handicap of 21 (now 20!!!). After a string of scores in the 80s over the last 6 months, Malcolm Falconer found timely form and took the day with a gross 72 (net 63) and 42 points. He too loses a whole shot and will play his next game off 8 (exact 8.3).
Captain Fred with the table full of prizes
But 2016 saw a change to this competition. We sadly lost Baz Backhouse this year; a Senior member with a big presence that will never be forgotten by those who knew him. His widow Gill kindly presented Malcolm with the new "Baz Backhouse Black Enamelled B'stard" trophy, named in reference to Baz's address to any ball which failed to drop in the hole at the required moment.
Winner - Malcolm Falconer with Gill Backhouse

Second - Richard Westergreene -Thorne

Third - Mike Marshall

Well done Malcolm. Well done Captain Fred on a great first presentation as Captain. And well done Graham McKay for organising a great competition again.

David Crosby
Hon Sec

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