Thursday 8 December 2016

Senior Section Annual Dinner 2016

Senior Section Annual Dinner - 6th December 2016

Well, I don't care what others thought, it was a great night, good food, good company, short speeches and no hangover !!!!!

Captain Jim was magnificent and managed almost to the end when Algy had to say good night for him, I am sure he will be back on form in time for his finale at the AGM next week. There were a number of trophy recipients missing and they were not mentioned! Captain Jim and  Club Captain Richard handed out the trophies to great acclaim from the assembled throng. Vice Captain Fred had a taster for next year and was admirable in his role as MC.

So, those of you who missed it get the date into your diary for next year. As Club Captain Richard said, there were more attended the Seniors dinner than did the Club Dinner !!


Peter Hollingsworth
Hon. Sec. JOG Seniors

Seniors Captain Jim Peacock

Club Captain Richard Aubigne
Captain Jim presenting cheque to
Dr Colin Stokes MBE for the Prostate Project
 And the trophy winners were;

Peter Grimes (Algy)
Rex Bullock Shield
Jim Kerr & Derek Page
Fourball Better Ball Trophy

Gerry Gentle, Kevin Donnelly, Fred Williams (missing Derek Weller)
Ken Robinson Texas Scramble
Phil White
Bessant/East Scratch Trophy

David Lincoln
Rex Cleaver Championship Trophy


Pat Gilgallon
Reg Batson Aggregate Trophy

Steve Cooper
Annual Stableford Trophy

Derek Page (missing David Sullivan)
Member and Guest Trophy

Fred Williams and Peter Hollingsworth (missing John Wade)
Gordon Percival Team Trophy


Dave Wrench
The Kethro Tray

Raymond Smart
Seniors Away Day Trophy

Kevin Donnelly
Autumn Singles Stapleford Trophy


Peter Wade
Arthur Lucas Cup

Captain Jim Peacock on behalf of the Seniors
The T.S.B. Trophy

Robert Anderson
R/up The Holmwood Plate

Phil White
Green/Tilley Singles KO Trophy




Colin Beales
The Holmwood Plate

Pat Gilgallon (missing Harry Wakefield)
R/up Foursomes K/O Trophy

Paul Stallard and Gerry Gentle
Foursomes K/O Trophy


Harry Wakefield R/up Foursomes K/O Trophy
 played with Pat Gilgallon

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