Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Captain's Corner November 2024

 The following is a message from Senior Section Captain Richard Westergreen-Thorne

As we approach Christmas and the end of the golfing year, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for taking part in our competitions, events and matches this year. It has been great to see so many people getting involved, and I hope to see many of you at our final events of the year.

The thoughts of the Committee are now turning to the golfing season in 2025. Tony Lloyd has already circulated a draft calendar and, following very positive feedback to the recent members' survey, we have just invited you to take part in our first ever Seniors Tour. Places are filling fast and I hope that you can come along.

A key date for your diary is the Senior Section AGM on Tuesday 4th February at 2.30pm in the Burgoyne Suite. All are invited and your committee will take the opportunity to run through the events of 2024 and look forward to 2025. The AGM also includes members voting in the new committee and Tony Lloyd announcing who he is proposing to be his Vice Captain - so not to be missed.

You will shortly receive the official Notice of Meeting for the AGM and this provides all members with the opportunity to raise matters for the agenda. Just before Christmas the AGM Agenda will be published along with the official invitation to attend.

Dave Wood currently holds the role of Trophy and Presentation Organiser and we feel that it would be very helpful to have this role recognised as a full part of the committee in the future. The role is a key part of our work and the committee will put forward a proposal to add the Trophy and Presentation Organiser at the AGM. Secondly, Jonathan Lean will be standing down as Competition Secretary at the AGM (many thanks for all your hard work, Jonathan) and we would like to keep his expertise available to the committee for a further year. Therefore, there will be a proposal to co-opt Jonathan to the committee for 2025.

Finally, I am very pleased to let you know that the Executive Board of the club have agreed to a Staggered Start for our home matches with other clubs from 2025 onwards. This is great news and many thanks to the Executive Board for, firstly, agreeing to a three-match trial and subsequently agreeing to this permanent change.

Finally, finally, entry is open for the Christmas Fayre on Tuesday 17th December (shotgun start on JOG and a non-qualifier).

Thanks again for all your support of senior’s golf during 2024 and look out for the email with the Notice of Meeting of the AGM which will be circulated shortly.

Richard Westergreen - Thorne

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