Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Seniors at home to Letchworth Tuesday June 25 2024


Good boy: Chris Sullivan collects the plates after lunch

Organiser Nigel Underwood reports

In blazing sun and fearsome heat  (yes, Summer has briefly appeared), Captain Richard led from the front,  as his team of gallant  (as well as hot, sticky and exhausted) combatants crushed the opposition from Letchworth and sent them scuttling back down the A1......well, nearly. 
In very warm but otherwise perfect conditions, all but one of the matches produced very tight finishes, as did the match overall. Indeed, 5 matches were only decided on the eighteenth green and the final putt. Matches see-sawed one way then another as did the overall match score as results trickled in.
Richard Westergreen Thorne and Nigel Underwood won 1 up
Ian Riches and David Trotter won 2 and 1
Fred Williams and Chris Sullivan halved
Steve Collins and Gerry Degaute  halved
Barry  Donovan and Oz Osman lost 1 down
Gavin Little and Trevor Darrington lost 3 and 2
Len Greaves and Chris Roy won 2 and 1
... 4 to 3 to JoG with 1 result to come.
We knew Michael Bonwick  and Nick Schuman had been +1 through 16. Had they held on???? After perhaps the longest cooling showers in JoG match history the brave pair finally ambled into the bar to reveal their 1 up victory after the 18th ... a crucial  result that sealed a 5-3 WIN for the home team!  Thanks to all who took part ... it was bloody hot out there! Congratulations to all our winners and halvers and special plaudits to Michael and Nick who clinched the victory ... a day that will go down in the annals of history. 

PS: sausage and mash may not have been the greatest choice for lunch with the temperatures over 90F.....but hey, REAL men don't do salad, right?

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