Friday, 19 April 2024

Senior Section Minutes April 11 2024


Senior Section Minutes April 11 2024

Present: Richard Westergreen-Thorne (RWT), Jonathan Lean (JL), Algy Grimes (AG), Dave Wood (DW), Tony Lloyd (TL), Peter Wade (PW)

Apologies: Nigel Underwood

1 Peter Wade attended his first Seniors Committee Meeting in his role as Club Vice Captain. There was a discussion on various topics including:

·       The club’s new structure and pace of change, including finding the best people to fill the new roles

·       Handicaps, the handicap committee and qualifying rounds

·       Finance and cash flow between the club and seniors section

·       A planned code of conduct to address behaviour by some elements on the course

2 Minutes of the last meeting: accepted

3 Matters arising not on the agenda: none

4 Captain’s Report

April 2024

I have had a busy time since I took over the role of Captain with much of it away from the golf course given the recent weather and its impact upon the chances to actually play.

I attended, in Jonathan’s absence, the club’s Presentation Evening where the Club Captain awarded the trophies for 2023 and then the Captain’s Swansong near the end of March. Sadly, this has been followed by attending the funeral of Peter Horlock last week.

A highlight for me so far has been the Captain’s Drive and opening of the Terrace, as we now need to call it, a couple of weeks ago. It was a very good evening with well over 200 people in attendance and a packed clubhouse. I hit a great drive for the photographer an hour before the event and then did less well, but still got it away, for the drive itself. Thanks to Algy for stepping in to take the previous Captain’s putt on the 18th. As the first ever such event it was a good day for the club and I am sure that it will be repeated in future years.

I have also informed the relevant people such as the General Manager and Club Captain that we will make the Jock Allan Prostate Project Golf Day an official senior’s event each year and the feedback I have received has been very positive.

The first two matches of the year were good fun, and I was pleased to see two members new to matches taking part and both enjoyed the experience. Unfortunately, both matches were lost, did I mention how many shots we were giving away, but played in good spirits which augers well for the year.

I have met with the Club and Ladies Captains about charities, charity events and prizes since the last of our committee meetings and have been able to clarify the voucher and prizes distribution to assist the Prostate Day auction. Justin Thomas is looking to set up a Charity Committee for the club which will be very helpful when established. I also took the opportunity to share with them the arrangements for monies to be transferred after matches this year between us and the club.

Macmillan Cancer Support have a Golf Challenge Day on their calendar of events for the longest day of the year seeking clubs across the country to get involved. In the circumstances the Ladies Captain and I agreed to make this a club event when all 4 club captains do the 54 hole challenge for Macmillan and get sponsorship from across the club. We also agreed that both my charity and the Ladies Section charity will get a share of the club Captains Charity Days in September.

I have also liaised with Bill Walker, Keith Howlett and Tony Lloyd about the arrangements for the roll up single stablefords where you have the option to complete a qualifying card. Hopefully, we have set up a good system and the use of the sign-up feature on IG will make it much easier with the first such roll up just a week away.

There has not been a meeting of the Golf Committee yet since the club AGM and this will be re-formed after the first General Committee Meeting which is in a few days time.

We have a busy period coming up with at least one competition or match every week so let’s hope that the rains finally stay away and we do not have further issues with our competitions due to the water on the courses.

5 Vice Captain’s Report

Nothing to report

6 Immediate Past Captain’s Report

Nothing to report

7 Treasurer's Report

One competition and 2 matches played so far this year. Additional income has come from the Knockout comps.

·       Bank Balance £2924.02

·       Debtor £384 - Creditor accrual £768 - both Aspley Guise.

·       Postponement of the 4BBB means budget down £240 - although I gather this is now been played later in the year

·       Costings for 'Other events' to be finalised at this meeting

·       Member /guest - current net budget £94

·       Captain’s Day - current net budget (£290)

·       Christmas Fayre - current net budget £0

·       Presentation evening   - current net budget £166

·       Budget tracker now in place showing variances to budget per event


8 Honorary Secretary’s report

The main thing to tell you about is the “straw poll” conducted regarding the future of the roll-up and the proposal to move it to Monday/Wednesday/Friday. There were 24 responses made up of 9 for, 12 against and 3 others. The interesting and varied results are attached to the agenda for your consideration.

The reasons behind those voting for a change are fairly straightforward and a common theme was the desire to avoid  a clash with the Ladies on Thursdays plus the flexibility afforded by playing on three days a week.

Main reasons for opposing a change included the disruption to the routine of existing organisers and the risk of clashing with other established roll-up groups who already play on some of those days.

There were also some other interesting ideas thrown up by the survey including starting later on Thursdays to avoid a clash with the ladies and sending early arrivals out first to avoid long waits in the conservatory.

We can discuss this fully at the meeting.

The 2025 calendar is progressing satisfactorily. I have agreed with Nigel Tarn a new date for the 4BBB Trophy which was abandoned due to course closure on March 14. It will now be played on October 15.

The Swap Day at Newmarket has been agreed with Nigel Tarn and Newmarket for Monday October 27.

I am still awaiting confirmation on 2025 dates from eight of the clubs we play in matches, although most have agreed “provisionally” so I have sent out reminders in an attempt to tie up these loose ends.

Admin rights have now been changed for me as Hon Sec and for Nigel so that he can help with competitions.

I have signed up one new member this month – Mike Etwaroo, who is an established club member recently retired and looking to play more midweek golf.

9 Competition Secretary’s report

Once again I have to extend thanks to Tony Lloyd for handling all issues while I have been

on holiday. Tony will no doubt be pleased to hear that I have no more holidays booked until


In anticipation of the Rex Bullock which is the first GotY competition of the year, I have now

set up the Senior Section Golfer of the Year 2024 Order of Merit. This should start to

automatically update after each qualifying competition.

The Rex Bullock was held successfully with 105 eventually taking part. Just a few late

withdrawals. The winner was Keith Howlett with 41 points just edging out Paul Jones on

countback. Third was Rob Anderson. The GotY has updated successfully.

Thanks to Nigel Underwood for rounding up the early starters’ cards. Very helpful.

I have also set up the new 4BBB for 15th October.

The first Seniors Qualifying Roll up is on 18th April but so far nobody has entered in advance.

I guess that everyone is waiting to see what the weather will do!

The Rules Seminar is nearly full with 49 attendees out of a maximum of 50.

There are 79 entrants for the Ken Robinson scramble at the time of writing. Maximum is 92.

There are 82 entrants for the Annual Medal and Jubilee Cup out of a maximum of 120.

Brief but succinct!

10 Match Secretary’s Report

We are two matches down with 28 to go, but unfortunately we are yet to record a win, having lost the first match away to Bedfordshire & County 4 – 2, this being the first year as a 12 a side match. Hopefully it will revert to 16 a side or we may need to have a discussion about that.

The second match was at home to Aspley Guise & Woburn Sands and again it was a loss 6 – 2. A point to note was that JOG had 86 shots to Aspley Guise having 157! Thanks go to the organisers for two well run events. I also wish to thank Keith Howlett for creating new team sheets that take account of the new handicap calculations.

Matches continue next week (16th April) at home to Wellingborough followed by Cambridge Country Club a week later and two days after that it is Aspley Guise away.

We have a total of 66 members signed up, but there are some that only signed up for one match.

The selections have been made for tranche 2 and after a few minor issues, I have managed to now publish the teams on the Match Dropdown file which everyone can access but must remember to log out after viewing their own selections.

For the Saffron Walden match away, I took the decision to limit the number of Jokers to be played, as it is there are 10, Tony standing in as the Captain plus the Organiser, this was to help make it fair for others with only 4 other places.

The sign up for tranche 3 is open, currently we have a good response for all matches, Northampton away, seems the most popular with 24 signed up including 7 Jokers.

Unfortunately due to medical advice we have our first withdrawal from a match, Terry Sweeney for Cambridge Country Club. Graham Gadsden who was the only reserve has stepped up to play, that leaves no reserves so I may need to call on my ‘back pocket’ team if anyone else drops out.

Given the shot difference we have faced recently I am encouraging the organisers of away matches to wait for the opponent’s team before choosing our teams.

11 Costings

Member and Guest Day


88 x tea/coffee and (slightly smaller) bacon roll       506.00

88 x halfway house (tea/coffee + snack )                  352.00

88 x lunch  (trio of sausages, mash, veg)                    968.00

Main prize vouchers (2x50,2x30,2x20)                      200.00

Nearest pin etc                                                            40.00

Gratuities                                                                     40.00

Total outgoings                                                       £2106.00



44 pairs @ £50.00 per pair = £2200 = net surplus of £94.00

44 pairs @ £48.00               = £2112 = net surplus of £6.00

44 pairs @ £45.00               = £1980 = deficit of £126.00


Halfway house will be the buggy near the first tee for 10th tee starters, staffed throughout, and the “café” at the 10th also hopefully staffed.

Action point: further discussion at our next meeting

Senior Captain’s Day


Halfway House  £400 (from Captain’s Honorarium)

Sandwiches and chips £770

Prize money £90

Nearest pin prizes £24



Christmas Fayre

Barry Donovan to organise and detail expenditure with an £11 entry fee and estimated £825 on prizes

Presentation Dinner

Dave Wood to bring menu suggestions to the next meeting. It was also decided to hold a raffle

12 Staggered Start update

A discussion was held on the best way to advance our ambitions for a staggered start for seniors matches.

13 Qualifying roll-up update

It was decided to abandon the qualifying roll-up due to take place on April 18 as there is a competition on Carthagena and JoG is not yet fully open

14 Changing roll-up days

Results of the recent straw poll were discussed. The survey elicited 24 responses made up of 9 for, 12 against and 3 others. As there was a majority against change it was decided to leave things as they are.

15 Honours Boards

Algy reported on progress with the four new honours boards which are nearing completion at a cost of £250. The boards, to be installed in the clubhouse opposite the bar, will be for the Annual Singles Stableford, the Golfer of the Year, the Reg Batson and the Rex Cleaver. It was decided to mark the unveiling with an informal ceremony, the date to be decided.

16 Rules Session

Although there is no charge for the presentation by Joan Cocksedge it was decided to invite attendees to make a charitable donation to be divided equally between the Seniors and Ladies charities.

Any other business

There had been two requests for seniors ties even though our stock is now exhausted. It was decided to seek advice from the Aesopians on where best to source a new supply.

Dates of future meeting

May 3, July 18, August 22, October 3, November 5, January 14











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