Friday 19 January 2024

2023 AGM Agenda


2023 AGM Agenda (2:30pm Tuesday 13th February 2024)


1.              Welcome by the Captain

2.              Apologies for Absence

3.              Minutes of the 2022 AGM (taken as read)

4.              Matters Arising

5.              Captain’s Report

6.              Honorary Secretary’s Report

7.              Competition Secretary’s Report

8.              Match Secretary’s Report

9.              Honorary Treasurer’s Report and adoption of Accounts

10.           Appointment of an Auditor

11.           Appointment of Officers for 2024









Richard Westergreen - Thorne

Jonathan Lean

Algy Grimes


The new Captain will propose their nominee at the meeting

Richard Westergreen - Thorne


Honorary Secretary

Tony Lloyd

Barry Donovan

Jonathan Lean

Competition Secretary

Jonathan Lean

Tony Lloyd

Richard Westergreen - Thorne

Match Secretary

Algy Grimes

Andy Shilton

Barry Donovan


Barry Donovan

Algy Grimes

Jonathan Lean


12.           Address by the Captain

13.           Address by the Honorary Secretary

14.           Address by the Competition Secretary

15.           Address by the Match Secretary

16.           Other Agenda Items

Proposal to recruit two additional members to the Senior Section Committee

17.           Close of Meeting





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