Thursday 16 November 2023

Has anyone seen my remote control? November 16 2023

 Everyone knows that you have three minutes to look for a lost ball. But how long do you have to look for a lost remote control for your golf trolley?

That was the question facing Andy Shilton in the roll-up on Thursday. No one was going anywhere as his hi-tech Stewart Golf trolley remained motionless.

To make matters worse Andy was in the first group out and had to face the mirth of another group waiting to tee off.

“Are you sure you haven’t left it in the car,” asked one helpful friend. “No, it won’t work without the remote so I must have had it to get the trolley here from the car park,” replied Andy as he searched his coat pockets and every pocket in his golf bag to no avail.

“You’ve had more than three minutes,” chimed another helpful golfer, only for Andy to eventually find it in the first pocket he had searched.

Normal service was resumed and Andy set off down the Carthagena first fairway … now where did my ball go!???

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