Thursday 19 January 2023

Frosty roll-up January 19, 2023

Oh the joys of winter golf! It was minus 3C for the Thursday roll-up but even that failed to cool the enthusiasm of our hardy golfers.
Mitts and beanie hats donned, it was out into the winter sunshine for a game of crazy golf.
First on the tee at 8.50am was Pete Salmon with a lovely drive leaving him around 80 yards into the green. His wedge into the green was perfect … until it bounced off the frozen surface and over the hedge almost into the road.
Never mind. On to the second and a scorching drive from Pete again which ran and ran … and ran into the bunker!
That summed up the day really with the frozen ground turning otherwise good shots into something of a lottery. It was patently clear that going for the centre of the green was definitely not an option.
The 4th hole lake provided its own picture opportunity with my ball skidding across the ice and coming to rest tantalisingly out of reach.
Then a moment of concern when Pete lost his footing on the 7th tee and ended up flat on his face.  Fortunately only his pride was hurt. Nice shot though, if a bit left!
Thanks to Pete, Rafe Bateson and Trevor Darrington for a great game and plenty to talk about over a nice cup of tea. And thanks to Rafe for coining my new nickname of Tony Two Shots due to my outrageously high handicap!
The winners with 39 points were Paul Hammond and Mehmet Osman who won £5 each. In second place on 38 points, and winning £3 each, were Nick Schumann and Michael Newstead. And in third place with 37 points, winning £3 each, were Bob Isaacson and Anthony Bell.
If you would like to join the Tuesday/Thursday roll-up, just turn up in the conservatory between 8.30am and 9.15am with £1 and a ball. The first group usually goes out at about 8.50am.
Tony Lloyd


Anonymous said...

That's a very phallic shadow in the first pic from 3rd green back up the fairway Tony Twoshot 🤪🤪

Anonymous said...

Nice one Mr 2 shots.