Tuesday 6 December 2022

Annual Presentation Dinner December 6 2022

One of the highlights of the Senior Section year took place in the Burgoyne Suite when 2022 winners stepped up to receive their trophies from Club Captain Rob Bage and Senior Section Captain Algy Grimes.
The evening started with the unveiling of a cheque to the Senior Captain's Charity, the UK Sepsis Trust, for £4,060. Algy announced that, with gift aid, the total raised for the charity this year was £6,594.54.

Senior Section Treasurer Richard Coventry and Captain Algy Grimes with the charity cheque

Andy Brown receives the Four Ball Better Ball Trophy which he won with Michael Newstead

Winners of the Ken Robinson Texas Scramble: David Crosby, Steve Collins, Richard Knell and Alban Macdonald

 Peter Imray: winner of the Rex Cleaver Championship Trophy and Bessant/East Scratch Trophy

Reg Batson Aggregate Trophy winner Dominic Murphy

Keith Fuller, winner of the Annual Stableford Trophy

Tony Walters, who won the Whitbread Member and Guest Trophy with Simon Harden

Algy Grimes and Rob Bage, winners of the Captains v Vice-Captains Shield

Rob Bage, winner of the Kethro Tray Captains Trophy

Peter Imray, winner of the Jim Peacock Away Day Trophy

Daryl Hayler, winner of the Bailiff Shield

Chris Roy, winner of the Martin Ives Memorial Shield

Gordon Percival Team Trophy won by George Burnham and James Stirling pictured, and Clive Bassindale

Philip Armstrong, winner of the Leo Pickett Two Clubs and a Putter Shield

Paul Jeeves, winner of the Neville Hoole Autumn Singles Stableford Trophy

Sue Lee, Juniors Organiser, collects the TSB Trophy won by the Juniors against the Seniors

Seniors Vice Captain Jonathan Lean, winner of the Arthur Lucas Cup

Christopher Walker, winner of the Holmwood Plate knockout

Richard Westergreen-Thorne, winner of the Baz Backhouse Christmas Fayre 2021 Trophy

Paul Clark and Fergus Moynihan, winners of the Foursomes Knockout Trophy

Alban Macdonald who, with Tony Goodson, was a Foursomes Knockout runner-up

Golfer of the Year: Barry Donovan

Second place in the Golfer of the Year competition, Rob Bage

Fourth place in the Golfer of the Year Competition Peter Imray

Fifth place in the Golfer of the Year Competition Richard Cobb

Algy thanks Master of Ceremonies David Wood for organising the presentation evening

Algy thanks David Barlow for his help organising the Tuesday/Thursday roll-ups

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