Algy Grimes (AG), Jonathan Lean (JL), Andy Shilton (AS), Richard Coventry (RC), Richard Westergreen – Thorne (RWT)
Apologies: Bill Walker (BW),
Prostate Day – This was the main business of the meeting and Jim Kerr and Tony Goodson who are organising the day attended for this item.
The meeting discussed the arrangements for the auction, sponsorship, tombola, foyer sign up on arrival, food, golf on the day and where the members of the committee can assist. BW is already in liaison with Jim and Tony regarding the Auction and JL is coordinating the entries with the organisers.
It was agreed that the organisers would contact the committee in the lead up to the day if there were other areas where help would be useful. RWT will continue to advertise via the Newsletter and those taking part will be encouraged to bring a tombola prize with them on the day.
Minutes of last meeting – agreed as a true record
Action points from last meeting:
AS has made the selections for the first batch of matches and he outlined that those who have made themselves available have an average of around 70% selection for matches they had made themselves available for.
There was a discussion regarding the number of matches JL as Vice Captain should play in and it was agreed that AS would have the latitude to decide not to include JL where there was a large demand for places.
Two clubs have stated that they will play their home matches with maximum handicaps this year. This is counter to what we wish to do and the direction of travel for clubs instigated by Golf England. It was agreed that AG will make our preferred position known to these clubs when we play them and that he will also discuss with the captains of the other clubs we play.To be returned to later in the season.
There has been a very large response to the first singles competition of the year – Rex Bullock. Consequently, the 81 spaces that were available were filled within a day and a half and the reserve list is already into double figures.
After discussion about one and two tee starts and the impact upon presentations to the winners it was agreed that the most important priority was providing opportunities for members to play. Therefore, whilst it is too late to alter the Rex Bullock entry for this year, it was agreed to make the 8 further Golfer of the Year (GOTY) competitions a one tee start with a maximum of 102 entries.
Where there is a one tee start those who played their round early in the day will be called to see if they can return to the clubhouse if they are in the frame to win a prize.
It was agreed that RWT would draft a note to members and, after agreement from the committee, send it out to alert everyone to the change and the reasons for doing so.
This decision to move to a one tee start will be reviewed on a regular basis depending upon numbers signing up for future events.
Date and time of next meeting
12 April after Rex Bullock Comp
10 May after Annual Medal Comp
19 July after Annual Stableford Comp
30 August after Bailiff Shield Comp
11 Oct after Team Trophy
8 Nov after Roll Up before Bring and Win and discuss Annual Dinner
19 Jan 2023 (to discuss AGM) at 2.30pm
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