Tuesday, 29 March 2022

JoG Seniors at home to Saffron Walden March 29 2022

Match organiser Michael Newstead reports on the day’s action


It was a  dull and dismal day when 32 of us ventured out into the wind and rain, 16 from Saffron Waldon dressed in their light blue, 16 from John  O’Gaunt in our customary dark blue.   Was it mere coincidence that each team was wearing colours associated with seats of learning, Cambridge for Saffron Walden, Oxford for JOG?

 After an hour or so, the rain which had been threatening since the start finally came down and from then on it was up with the umbrellas for the remainder of the round.   Despite the weather, there was much good humoured ribaldry from all the participants, with all the usual compliments for good shots and respectful silence greeting those that didn’t go exactly where intended, e.g the water hazards on the 4th and 13th in particular!

 Having  won their game by the sixteenth, the Captain’s team chose to take an early shower.   Do I hear cries of “You Wimps”? Probably so, but all four of us decided that being warm in the clubhouse was better than making the journey down 17 and 18!   We did of course give our guests the choice, but they were of like mind to the JOG pair.

When the scores started to come in it was looking very good for John O’Gaunt and we eagerly awaited each new pair handing in their card.   Match 1 – 4 and 3 to JOG; Match 2 – 6 and 5 to JOG; Match 3 - 2 up to JOG.   This was looking really good for JOG, then the tide turned.    

In rapid succession – 1.0 to SF; next 1.0 to SF. next a larger margin also to SF.   Now all was level and just two cards remaining to be counted.   Along comes the Scotsman (yes you all know who I mean), and presented his 5 and 4 winning card.    What would the last match show?    Then it was in, another 1.0 to SF.  Final result, an honourable draw.   It is rumoured that all three 1.0 wins for SF hinged on the last put on the final green, the tension must have been palpable.

 The day was rounded off with a two-course lunch, remarks and of course the mandatory bawdy jokes, not forgetting presentations to Jonathan Lean for nearest the pin on 16, although those within earshot did hear him admit he thinned it!!!   Andy Edwards won nearest the pin on the visitors green, the 4th.    All present, JOG and SF members gave high marks for the food and the service, not forgetting compliments to the Green Keeping staff for presenting the course in excellent condition.

We go to Saffron Waldon for the return on 18th May and I am sure we are looking forward to it with hopefully better weather.


Thursday, 24 March 2022

JoG Seniors away to Bedford & County March 22 2022

John O’Gaunt Seniors opened the match programme with a creditable performance at Bedford & County Golf Club, which included a hole in one for our team. Organiser David Price reports on the day.

 The match was played in good spirits on a sunny day. Algy & I unfortunately lost our match against their Captain Roger and his partner Dave 3 and 2, Dave sinking single putts on the last five holes to secure their win. 

The overall score was 4 1/2 to 3 1/2, which was a creditable result for the first match of the year. 

Vice Captain Jonathan Lean said: "We played well". So they did. He and Keith Perry won their match 2 and 1. 

Other winners were Andy Brown and Richard Young who won 8 and 6 (.against one player) and Nick Schumann and Malcolm Lee who won 5 and 4. Barry Donavan and Terry Sweeney halved their match, which left Chris Roy and Len Greaves, Colin Newbury and Michael Newstead and Andy Shilton and Jim Kerr as losers. 

The most notable event of the day was that Terry Sweeney achieved a Hole in One on the fifth and Algy played across the ditch on the seventh by running the ball over the bridge, a very difficult shot from the position that he started from, which was the middle of the fairway. 

All in all, a good day and a fine effort away from home with the promise of better things to come.

Terry Sweeney: hole in one

Monday, 21 March 2022

Senior Section Committee Meeting March 10 2022



Algy Grimes (AG), Jonathan Lean (JL)Andy Shilton (AS), Richard Coventry (RC), Richard Westergreen – Thorne (RWT)


Apologies: Bill Walker (BW),


Prostate Day  This was the main business of the meeting and Jim Kerr and Tony Goodson who are organising the day attended for this item.


The meeting discussed the arrangements for the auction, sponsorship, tombola, foyer sign up on arrival, foodgolf on the day and where the members of the committee can assist. BW is already in liaison with Jim and Tony regarding the Auction and JL is coordinating the entries with the organisers.


It was agreed that the organisers would contact the committee in the lead up to the day if there were other areas where help would be useful. RWT will continue to advertise via the Newsletter and those taking part will be encouraged to bring a tombola prize with them on the day.


Minutes of last meeting – agreed as a true record


Action points from last meeting:

• Charity Events for 2022 – deferred to the next meeting
• new auditor – nobody has yet come forward although RC has a possible option for this year – RWT to include again in the Newsletter
• age related winners – will be returned to later
• Swap Day 2023 – it was confirmed that a swap day in 2023 has been agreed with St Ives



AS has made the selections for the first batch of matches and he outlined that those who have made themselves available have an average of around 70% selection for matches they had made themselves available for


There was a discussion regarding the number of matches JL as Vice Captain should play in and it was agreed that AS would have the latitude to decide not to include JL where there was a large demand for places.


Two clubs have stated that they will play their home matches with maximum handicaps this year. This is counter to what we wish to do and the direction of travel for clubs instigated by Golf England. It was agreed that AG will make our preferred position known to these clubs when we play them and that he will also discuss with the captains of the other clubs we play.To be returned to later in the season.




There has been a very large response to the first singles competition of the year – Rex Bullock. Consequently, the 81 spaces that were available were filled within a day and a half and the reserve list is already into double figures.

After discussion about one and two tee starts and the impact upon presentations to the winners it was agreed that the most important priority was providing opportunities for members to play. Therefore, whilst it is too late to alter the Rex Bullock entry for this year, it was agreed to make the 8 further Golfer of the Year (GOTY) competitions a one tee start with a maximum of 102 entries. 


Where there is a one tee start those who played their round early in the day will be called to see if they can return to the clubhouse if they are in the frame to win a prize.


It was agreed that RWT would draft a note to members and, after agreement from the committee, send it out to alert everyone to the change and the reasons for doing so.


This decision to move to a one tee start will be reviewed on a regular basis depending upon numbers signing up for future events.


Date and time of next meeting  


12 April after Rex Bullock Comp
10 May after Annual Medal Comp
19 July after Annual Stableford Comp
30 August after Bailiff Shield Comp
11 Oct after Team Trophy
8 Nov after Roll Up before Bring and Win and discuss Annual Dinner
19 Jan 2023 (to discuss AGM) at 2.30pm

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Seniors 4BBB Trophy March 15 2022


Seniors Captain Algy Grimes presents Michael Newstead with the 4BBB Trophy which he won with Andy Brown

This year's Seniors competition calendar got under way on a pleasant Spring day with 80 players in a two-tee start on the John O'Gaunt course.

Scores were high despite the fact that the third hole was out of commission for work being carried out on the new irrigation system.

The winners, with 40 points, were Michael Newstead and Andy Brown. In second place, with 39 points, were Peter Salmon and Vernon Toms. And in third place, also with 39 points, were Alban Macdonald and Paul Dobson.

Andy Shilton was in for a post-match surprise when Chris Roy presented him with one of Andy's own monogrammed golf balls which Chris's wife had found in a charity shop. We reckon this must have been Andy's longest drive!

Algy congratulates Alban Macdonald who came third with Paul Dobson

I think this is yours! Chris Roy presents Andy Shilton with one of his own golf balls found in a charity shop

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Seniors/Ladies MIxed Greensomes March 10 2022


Winners Hilary Pearmain and Robert Isaacson with Seniors Captain Algy Grimes
 and Ladies Captain Hazel House

Eighty seniors and ladies celebrated the return of the ever-popular Mixed Greensomes competition with some impressive scores recorded in perfect Spring weather on the Carthagena course.

Six couples scored 42 points, but even that was only good enough to win third place on countback for Andrew Lawrence and Jan Murphy.

In second place on 43 points were Paul Hammond and Dianne Munns, but top of the leader board with an amazing 48 points, were Robert Isaacson and Hilary Pearmain.

In his winner's speech Robert generously credited partner Hilary with all the best shots, before calling for her handicap to be cut!

Narrowly missing out on a podium place, on 42 points, were Andy Brown and Janet McNair, Sue College and Graham Lewis, Jean Cobb and Ian Riches, Jim Kerr and Elaine Olsen-Williams, Susan Firby and Ian Simpson.

The raffle raised £297 to be shared between the two captains’ charities.

Second place: Paul Hammond and Dianne Munns with Hazel

Seniors Captain Algy Grimes presents Ladies Captain Hazel House with a bouquet