John O Gaunt Senior Section
Committee Meeting - 2nd February 2021
Notes from the Meeting
Attendance: Bill Walker (BW), Algy Grimes (AG), David Gauge (DG), Les Bolland (LB), Jonathan Lean (JL), Richard Westergreen – Thorne (RWT)
Apologies: Peter Horlock
RWT to ask Wendy Ashcroft for paper copies of the calendar card and to discuss with her how best to distribute them
| RWT has written to Wendy and awaits a reply |
Details of the ex officio members to be circulated to members along with the minutes of the AGM.
| To be circulated with the papers from today |
RWT to send one further Newsletter after the subscription deadline to any who have not re-signed with a final reminder | To be actioned on 7th Feb. |
LB will send an email to all current members who have yet to re-sign for 2021 a few days before the AGM as a final reminder.
| Completed |
BW to look at the Constitution and circulate to the committee a proposal for both membership categories prior to circulation to members.
| On the Agenda |
BW to bring proposed dates for 2021 Committee Meetings to the meeting on 2ndFeb. | On the agenda |
3/ Captains Report
Section Status
Now that the formal status of the Seniors’ Section has been established, there are a number of matters to be considered in order to align ourselves with other Sections of the Club. Thesematters will be progressed as opportunities arise. However, we must note that within the next 6 weeks the Club Captain, Vice Captain and President will all change. That is 3 of the 5 Club officers. It would seem prudent to monitor these changes and develop relationships with the new incumbents before agreeing how to move forward. Also, there are proposals to move to a more corporate structure with a management board responsible for all business management of the Club and a Captain’s Committee to manage all golf related matters. I believe that this would have been addressed at the 2020 or 2021 Club AGM but for the pandemic. I believe it is likely to be reinvigorated once pandemic restrictions are lifted. The important thing to note is that as a recognised Section of the Club we can still decide on all Seniors’ Section management matters as long as we are conformant with the Club constitution.
One important question is subscription or no subscription? This is often seen as a virtualbarrier to full inclusion. However, my view is that this is a “red herring” I cannot believe that a £10 per annum subscription that members get back through subsidised events throughout the year is a barrier to members of our Club. Also, anyone who states it is a matter of principle is simply looking for excuses. The bottom line is that it is completely up to us as long as we conform to the Club constitution. The options to consider are as follows:
a. Do nothing – retain annual subscription. All else remains the same.
b. If removal was to be proposed, seconded and approved by members at a general meeting then:
i. All events could be self financing without subsidy – The Christmas Fayre might not be feasible.
ii. All events to generate a small surplus to allow certain events to be subsidised. For example: Competition entry fee raised to £3.
c. Our bank account could become a sub-account of the Club account. Then the liquidityprovided by the subscription would no longer be needed as Club funds would underwrite any temporary deficits.
Club support for competitions. Currently the Club takes competition fees from the men’scompetitions and all ladies’ honours board competitions. This covers trophy inscription and honours board calligraphy. We do not subscribe to this arrangement currently.
The amount of honorarium allocated to the Captain of each Section is a prescribed percentage of the annual Club subscription (currently understood to be 50%). Currently this is awarded to the Ladies Section and placed on a Ladies Section entertainment card on Section Captain’s authorisation. This should be the same for the Seniors’ Section. Parameters for use and authorisation (Captain & Vice Captain) would need to be agreed.
Car Parking space
A Seniors’ Section Captain’s car parking space would seem appropriate but will not be required during my tenure. I would work towards it being established for the next Seniors’ Captain.
Casual Golf
Tuesday/Thursday roll ups could be reinstated under pre-pandemic arrangements, although I would wish to retain it under Seniors’ Section control. Alternatively, it could become a regular fixture in the same way as the current Ladies’ Section Thursday competitions. However, I understand this to be a source of contention, even within the Ladies’ Section itself. So I would prefer to remain with the former and try to persuade the Ladies to align with us.
Two-Tee start for Seniors’ Section home matches.
This remains a highly contentious issue. So much so, that it was a significant hindrance to discussions and would have in my view prevented formal recognition of the Section. Therefore, I decided to make it a completely separate issue. However, I believe that being recognised as a formal Section of our Club may assist in ultimately achieving this goal. It remains a matter for the future but I would want to see all the above addressed first.
4/ Vice Captains Report
AG outlined recent contacts with section members.
5/ Treasurer's Report
Whilst the accounts have not altered since the last meeting LB reported that 159 people have signed up for membership for 2021. The majority of members made a contribution to the Senior Section Captain’s Charity and a total of £620 has been raised.
6/ Hon. Sec Report
Nothing to report since the last meeting.
7/ Comp. Sec. Report
It was agreed that we would continue to open competitions on the previously agreed dates and also close them on the previously agreed dates. Given the current uncertainties it was agreed that a decision would be made as soon as each competition closes as to whether to go ahead depending upon lockdown arrangements and club advice at the time.
In principle, all competitions will continue to be set up and advertised to members so that we are ready to go as soon as we are able to do so.
8/ Immediate Past Captains Report
Nothing to report
9/ Membership
See Treasurers Report above for current numbers for 2021.
A discussion took place about Courtesy and Social membership. It was agreed that Courtesy membership was for a very small number of people who had moved away/stopped playing and had been invited to maintain membership and the opportunity to play in competitions on payment of the club green fees and also to attend the Annual Dinner.
Social membership has been offered by LB to those members who have moved to Social membership of the club. They would not be able to enter competitions nor attend the Annual Dinner unless they re-joined as a playing member of the club but would be able to continue to receive the Newsletter.
See constitution discussion below.
10/ Constitution
After discussion it was agreed that RWT would circulate the copy of the 2017 Constitution in his possession to the committee. Committee members will look at the Constitution and suggest any amendments to RWT – this would include the wording for the section referring to Courtesy and Social membership.
This review to be completed by the next committee meeting in May and therefore in time for the EGM if it is able to be held on 20th July.
11/ Matches 2021
34 members have already signed up to play in matches in 2021 but availability may well change with relaxation of lockdown and holiday plans, etc.
RWT will circulate the contact details of all Officers to all of other clubs we play.
DG pointed out that we will need to review the payment arrangements with other clubs if we are only able to play one of the two matches as a reciprocal arrangements would not be possible in those circumstances. It was agreed that a cashless system of payments would remain a priority whatever is agreed.
It was agreed that any suggestions to restart matches by other clubs, and the arrangements they proposed, would be circulated amongst the committee in the first instance. Dialogue with JOG for options for Home matches would be via BW and the Golf and Social Committee in the first instance.
12/ AOB - None
13/ Date and time of next meeting
The following dates were agreed for 2021:
11th May
13 July - Review preparations for a possible EGM
20 July EGM
5 October
16 November - Review arrangements for Annual dinner - Dave Woods to be invited.
18 Jan 2022 - Review arrangements for AGM
1 Feb 2022 - AGM
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