Monday, 8 February 2021

Senior Section Committee Meeting 2nd February 2021

John O Gaunt Senior Section

Committee Meeting - 2nd February 2021

Notes from the Meeting


Attendance: Bill Walker (BW), Algy Grimes (AG), David Gauge (DG), Les Bolland (LB), Jonathan Lean (JL), Richard Westergreen – Thorne (RWT)


Apologies: Peter Horlock


1. Minutes previous – agreed


2. Matters arising – action points from the previous meeting:



RWT to ask Wendy Ashcroft for paper copies of the calendar card and to discuss with her how best to distribute them


RWT has written to Wendy and awaits a reply

Details of the ex officio members to be circulated to members along with the minutes of the AGM.


To be circulated with the papers from today

RWT to send one further Newsletter after the subscription deadline to any who have not re-signed with a final reminder

To be actioned on 7th Feb.

LB will send an email to all current members who have yet to re-sign for 2021 a few days before the AGM as a final reminder.



BW to look at the Constitution and circulate to the committee a proposal for both membership categories prior to circulation to members. 


On the Agenda

BW to bring proposed dates for 2021 Committee Meetings to the meeting on 2ndFeb.

On the agenda



3/ Captains Report

Section Status

Now that the formal status of the Seniors’ Section has been established, there are a number of matters to be considered in order to align ourselves with other Sections of the Club. Thesematters will be progressed as opportunities arise. However, we must note that within the next 6 weeks the Club Captain, Vice Captain and President will all change. That is 3 of the 5 Club officers. It would seem prudent to monitor these changes and develop relationships with the new incumbents before agreeing how to move forward. Also, there are proposals to move to a more corporate structure with a management board responsible for all business management of the Club and a Captain’s Committee to manage all golf related matters. I believe that this would have been addressed at the 2020 or 2021 Club AGM but for the pandemic. I believe it is likely to be reinvigorated once pandemic restrictions are lifted. The important thing to note is that as a recognised Section of the Club we can still decide on all Seniors’ Section management matters as long as we are conformant with the Club constitution.


One important question is subscription or no subscription? This is often seen as a virtualbarrier to full inclusion. However, my view is that this is a “red herring” I cannot believe that a £10 per annum subscription that members get back through subsidised events throughout the year is a barrier to members of our Club. Also, anyone who states it is a matter of principle is simply looking for excuses. The bottom line is that it is completely up to us as long as we conform to the Club constitution. The options to consider are as follows:

a. Do nothing – retain annual subscription. All else remains the same.

b. If removal was to be proposed, seconded and approved by members at a general meeting then:

i. All events could be self financing without subsidy – The Christmas Fayre might not be feasible.

ii. All events to generate a small surplus to allow certain events to be subsidised. For example: Competition entry fee raised to £3.

c. Our bank account could become a sub-account of the Club account. Then the liquidityprovided by the subscription would no longer be needed as Club funds would underwrite any temporary deficits.

Club support for competitions. Currently the Club takes competition fees from the men’scompetitions and all ladies’ honours board competitions. This covers trophy inscription and honours board calligraphy. We do not subscribe to this arrangement currently.


The amount of honorarium allocated to the Captain of each Section is a prescribed percentage of the annual Club subscription (currently understood to be 50%). Currently this is awarded to the Ladies Section and placed on a Ladies Section entertainment card on Section Captain’s authorisation. This should be the same for the Seniors’ Section. Parameters for use and authorisation  (Captain & Vice Captain) would need to be agreed.

Car Parking space

Seniors’ Section Captain’s car parking space would seem appropriate but will not be required  during my tenure. I would work towards it being established for the next Seniors’ Captain.

Casual Golf

Tuesday/Thursday roll ups could be reinstated under pre-pandemic arrangements, although I would wish to retain it under Seniors’ Section control. Alternatively, it could become a regular fixture in the same way as the current Ladies’ Section Thursday competitions. However, I understand this to be a source of contention, even within the Ladies’ Section itself. So I would prefer to remain with the former and try to persuade the Ladies to align with us.

Two-Tee start for Seniors’ Section home matches.

This remains a highly contentious issue. So much so, that it was a significant hindrance to discussions and would have in my view prevented formal recognition of the Section. Therefore, I decided to make it a completely separate issue. However, I believe that being recognised as a formal Section of our Club may assist in ultimately achieving this goal. It remains a matter for the future but I would want to see all the above addressed first.

4/ Vice Captains Report

AG outlined recent contacts with section members.

5/ Treasurer's Report

Whilst the accounts have not altered since the last meeting LB reported that 159 people have signed up for membership for 2021. The majority of members made a contribution to the Senior Section Captain’s Charity and a total of £620 has been raised.

6/ Hon. Sec Report

Nothing to report since the last meeting.

7/ Comp. Sec. Report

It was agreed that we would continue to open competitions on the previously agreed dates and also close them on the previously agreed dates. Given the current uncertainties it was agreed that a decision would be made as soon as each competition closes as to whether to go ahead depending upon lockdown arrangements and club advice at the time.

In principle, all competitions will continue to be set up and advertised to members so that we are ready to go as soon as we are able to do so.

8/ Immediate Past Captains Report

Nothing to report

9/ Membership 

See Treasurers Report above for current numbers for 2021.

A discussion took place about Courtesy and Social membership. It was agreed that Courtesy membership was for a very small number of people who had moved away/stopped playing and had been invited to maintain membership and the opportunity to play in competitions on payment of the club green fees and also to attend the Annual Dinner.

Social membership has been offered by LB to those members who have moved to Social membership of the club. They would not be able to enter competitions nor attend the Annual Dinner unless they re-joined as a playing member of the club but would be able to continue to receive the Newsletter.

See constitution discussion below.

10/ Constitution

After discussion it was agreed that RWT would circulate the copy of the 2017 Constitution in his possession to the committee. Committee members will look at the Constitution and suggest any amendments to RWT – this would include the wording for the section referring to Courtesy and Social membership.

This review to be completed by the next committee meeting in May and therefore in time for the EGM if it is able to be held on 20th July.

11/ Matches 2021 


34 members have already signed up to play in matches in 2021 but availability may well change with relaxation of lockdown and holiday plans, etc.


RWT will circulate the contact details of all Officers to all of other clubs we play.


DG pointed out that we will need to review the payment arrangements with other clubs if we are only able to play one of the two matches as a reciprocal arrangements would not be possible in those circumstances. It was agreed that a cashless system of payments would remain a priority whatever is agreed.


It was agreed that any suggestions to restart matches by other clubs, and the arrangements they proposed, would be circulated amongst the committee in the first instance. Dialogue with JOG for options for Home matches would be via BW and the Golf and Social Committee in the first instance.


12/ AOB - None

13Date and time of next meeting

The following dates were agreed for 2021:

11th May 

13 July - Review preparations for a possible EGM

20 July EGM

5 October

16 November - Review arrangements for Annual dinner - Dave Woods to be invited.

18 Jan 2022 - Review arrangements for AGM

1 Feb 2022 - AGM 




Thursday, 4 February 2021

Seniors Section 2020 AGM

2020 AGM 

(2:30pm Tuesday 2nd February 2021)



1. Welcome by the Captain – attached
2. Apologies for Absence – the meeting was conducted by the Committee as a ‘virtual meeting’. In attendance were:

Bill Walker, Algy Grimes, David Gauge, Les Bolland, Jonathan Lean and Richard Westergreen - Thorne

3. Minutes of the 2019 AGM (taken as read)
4. Matters Arising - none
5. Captain’s Report - attached
6. Honorary Secretary’s Report - attached
7. Competition Secretary’s Report - attached
8. Honorary Treasurer’s Report and adoption of Accounts – report attached. The adoption of the accounts was proposed by David Gauge and Seconded by Algy Grimes – the accounts were adopted unanimously 
9. Appointment of an Auditor- William Skelding offered to undertake the role for 2021 and the offer was proposed by Bill Walker and seconded by Jonathan Lean – the proposal was unanimously accepted.
10. Appointment of Officers for 2021







Bill Walker

Algy Grimes

Jim Peacock


Algy Grimes

Bill Walker

Michael Newstead

Honorary Secretary

Richard Westergreen-Thorne

Bill Walker

Jim Peacock

Honorary Treasurer

Les Bolland

Bill Walker

Chris Roy

Match Secretary

Richard Westergreen-Thorne

Bill Walker

Chris Roy

Competition Secretary

Jonathan Lean

Bill Walker

Michael Newstead


The above were elected unopposed.


11. Address by the Captain - attached
12. Other Agenda Items – none were received in advance from members
13. Meeting closed at 2.40pm


Welcome by the Captain


In place of the normal verbal Captain’s welcome to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Seniors’ Section of the John O’Gaunt Golf Club, I would simply like to thank you all for your tolerance and cooperation in facilitating this virtual meeting  caused by Covid19 restrictions. By way of context, we will confine ourselves to those essential matters that require our attention in order for the Section to continue to operate in a constitutional manner. It is hoped that, at some time during 2021, we will be able to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting to deal with any outstanding business.   We will therefore follow an agenda that is as similar as possible to a normal AGM agenda. Items that require a vote of members have been dealt with through an on-line survey taken in the preceding week. Committee members’ annual reports and addresses covering the coming year are provided as part of these minutes,

Bill Walker

2020 Captain’s Report

There is a saying, “if you want to make God laugh, tell him what is going to happen”. When I rose to my feet to address you on the 4 February 2020 having just assumed the role as your Captain, like so many people I had my 2020 vision. How wrong can you be? This year of Covid19 has certainly been a year of trials and tribulations like no other. No matches, a reduced number of competitions with no presentations and 3 periods of lockdown with us all at varying levels of risk to our health and wellbeing to mention just some.  

A motto that is close to my heart (that of the Royal Air Force) is “Per ardua ad Astra” “Through adversity to the Stars”, and in so many ways I feel that we in the Seniors’ Section have lived up to that. We have welcomed so many new members to our ranks that we ended this difficult year with more members than when we started. Together and through the longest day event on 21st June, the coffee morning on 23rd September and the reduced number of competitions, we raised a magnificent £5,291.99 for Macmillan Cancer Support in a year when the need was never greater. A letter of appreciation from Macmillan Cancer Support with a statement of how our donations are being used will be circulated.   

It has, nevertheless, been a busy year for your committee with so much needing to be done behind the scenes to keep the Club functioning as best it could within the many and changing restrictions placed upon it. I am pleased to say that the Club has looked to the Seniors’ Section Committee and members for our cooperation and support which we have given willingly. As a result, I feel the relationship between Club and Seniors’ Section has grown closer. This is illustrated in a variety of ways from the secondment of Seniors’ Section Captain onto the Golf & Social Sub-committee as well as the Focus Group created to select our next Head PGA Professional to the repositioning of our honours boards to a prominent position in the club house and many more improvements in between. I can assure you that this trend is set to continue.

I wish to pay tribute to my Committee who have worked tirelessly in the background to respond to short notice changes to plans in order to maximise our opportunities to play the game we love while keeping us as safe as possible within this ever changing environment of restrictions. Also, I wish to express sincere thanks to our cadre of ex-officio members who have contributed their part to oiling the wheels of our Section. In particular, Tony Lloyd for managing our blog to keep us all abreast of events, and Anthony Bell, who stepped into the breach to create and manage a Covid19 safe roll-up that he named The Tuesday Group. Also, those who stood ready but whose role was severely restricted by the pandemic, John Ellary(Clothing) Dave Woods (Trophies and Annual Dinner) Ken Doggrell (open invitations).  Last but certainly not least my thanks to Malcolm Lee for setting up the “unlocked Seniors” WhatsApp Group. If there has been one characteristic of our Section that has kept us together through these difficult times, it has to be communication. For that I am sure all members will agree that, in addition to those mentioned,  Richard Westergreen-Thorne’s newsletter has been informative, amusing and an absolute must Sunday morning read.  

So, in summary, a difficult year, but one which has provided a platform for your Section to grow in stature and prominence within a Club that has come through adversity and continues to aim for the stars.

Bill Walker

Annual Report by the Honorary Secretary


Not the year we had planned or hoped for at the time of last year’s AGM and we must simply look back and appreciate the golf that we were able to play during the year.


It was very pleasing to see that we were able to restart competitions very quickly when given the all clear to do so but sadly that did not extend to matches with other clubs. In discussions with these clubs it was clear that they had similar emotions to us as the year unfolded. It is pleasing to note however that all were very keen to renew rivalries and friendships with us as soon as we are able to resume playing inter club matches. As a consequence, we have a full fixture list for 2021 including all of the clubs that we were due to play in 2020 – let’s hope we can play some of these matches as the season progresses.


Both before the initial lockdown started and then again during the summer lockdown relaxation period we were able to respond to contacts from two additional clubs looking to play matches with us. Whilst we do not currently have vacancies for games it is good to know that we have the security of options to play other clubs in the future if we were in a position to need them.


I was very pleased to see that the Senior Section Blog reached a fantastic 10,000 hits during the year. At such times as these it has proved an invaluable way to keep in touch with members and record for posterity our activities.  Thanks go to Tony Lloyd for maintaining the blog and updating information so quickly including the notes of our committee meetings. In particular, the blog gave us the opportunity to showcase what was going on within the Seniors including the results of each competition that took place and, in most cases, accompanied with a photograph of the winner. I know that many people appreciated the opportunity to look at the results and the scores as a substitute for the prize giving at the end of competitions.


The weekly Newsletter was used as our main means of communicating all things seniors as the year progressed. It was pleasing to see a steady stream of responses to each edition and the engagement of members in sending in suggestions for Newsletter content and providing helpful feedback to the Committee. 


A popular decision was to run the ‘Virtual Knockouts’ in the early part of the year as a substitute for real golf. Fate took a turn and we reached the stage of the final pairings just as we started to play competitions again so it seemed to be an almost seamless transition.

The AGM is usually a time to look back over the exploits of the past year but, as we embark on 2021, we are better served this year in looking forward to the opportunities to play golf that lie ahead - and finally getting to grips with the new handicap system.


Richard Westergreen - Thorne

Annual Report by the Competition Secretary 


As you can imagine, this report will be a lot shorter than normal due to the greatly reduced number of competitions that we were able to hold.


The first casualties of the pandemic were the Green Tilley Singles knockout and the Foursomes knockout.  At the time when the first rounds were due to be played there was great uncertainty about what we would and would not be able to do on the golf course.

The first competition that we were able to hold ‘properly’ was the Reg Batson Trophy on 14thJuly after the first lockdown restrictions were lifted.  Strict protocols were put in place for this and all other competitions.  Although normally a medal competition, the committee decided that it would be kinder to change it to Stableford off the Yellow Tees on Carthagena – about as gentle as we could make it!  An easing back into competition golf.  Congratulations to Ian Riches (41 point!), Jack van Gorder (39 points) and Alan Kirkham (39 points) who took the honours.

Next up was the Senior Section Annual Stableford on 28th July held on JOG off the Yellow Tees.  Well done to Chris Sullivan (39 points), David Wood (37 points) and Richard Westergreen-Thorne (37 points) who were on the podium for this one.


Senior Captain’s Day was able to take place on 25th August but with a greatly revised schedule of special events on the day.  Honours were taken by Richard Cooper (37 points), Tom McEvoy (35 points) and Ian Riches (again!) (34 points).


The Bailiff Shield was held on 1st September with Ralph Black (37 points), David Wood (36 points) and Neil Pinnington (35 points) scooping the prizes.


October was busy with The Gordon Percival Team Trophy on 6th (won by Len Greaves, Sam Standen and Stephen Foster with Nick Schumann winning the Martin Ives individual Stableford best score with 38 points.  This was closely followed by the Seniors Autumn Singles Stableford on 13th October (Richard Coventry 35 points, Ian Riches (again!) 34 points and Stephen Collins 34 points prevailing) and then the Seniors 3 Clubs and a Putter on 20th October.  This was won with an incredible 41 points by Philip Armstrong closely followed by Sam Standen (39 points) and Nick Seeley (36 points).


The TSB Seniors vs Juniors on 27th October was an honourable draw but with the trophy being handed to the Juniors to keep clean until next year!


Finally, the last competition we were able to hold was the Seniors and Ladies Scramble on 3rdNovember.  This was won by Bill Walker, Elaine Olson-Williams, Bill Conway and Jean Cobb with a nett 67.8.


Because of the very restricted number of competitions that we were able to hold it was decided that the Golfer of the Year award should not be given this year.  Next year it will be an interesting event with the new World Handicap System allowing for larger adjustments of handicap index both up and down.


Many thanks to all those who entered the competitions in 2020.  The Senior Section came under constant praise from JOG administration for the high number of competitors who were able to successfully enter their scores on the IG app thus vastly reducing the work required to finalise competitions and to get the results out quickly.


Jonathan Lean



1st January 2020 – 31st December 2020


Gentlemen, it is my privilege to present the John O’Gaunt Senior Section audited accounts for the year end 31st December 2020.


At the end of the last financial year to 31st December 2020 our end of year balance was £3878, which is up on £2392 the previous year. This is out of step and higher than the levels we have tried to maintain. This is entirely due to the lack of events this year. This has meant a lack of subsidy to the likes of the Christmas Fayre and Senior’s Dinner. 


To address the issue subscriptions will therefore be £5 for 2021.


I am very grateful to the officers and the organisers of the competitions we did hold for collecting the money and for using the account sheets provided. This helps me account for the money and keep the books straight and makes the audit easier.


We have made a profit this year of £1486. All the money taken in will, as always, be spent for the benefit of the members and will continue to be in this coming year.


This leaves us with the healthy and sensible final year balance of £3878 (including £2663 in the current account) to take forward into our new financial year of 1st January – 31st December 2021.


The entry fee for any matches played will therefore remain at £20.


I would like to express my sincere thanks to William Skelding for carrying out the audit this year. 


I would also express my grateful thanks to John Ellary who ably runs the supply of Senior Section clothing and ties.


Les Bolland

Captain’s Address

First and foremost I would like to thank members for confirming me as your Captain for a second year. I can promise you that under no conceivable circumstances will there be a third. Also, I anticipate that given the restriction of 2020 and the consequent domestic pressures on 2021 to make up for last year’s lost opportunities for vacations etc, I anticipate that I will be sharing the load of captaincy duties with Vice Captain Algy rather more than perhaps would be normal. 

Given the events of 2020, I am sure you will understand if I am cautious about making too many predictions for 2021. In my view, we are not out of the Covid19 woods yet. So I will confine my address to those matters that I can be reasonably sure of and aspirations that I am reasonably confident of fulfilling.

Captain’s Charity 2021

I hope you saw the letter of appreciation from my nominated Charity for 2020 Macmillan Cancer Support and their account of the benefits our significant donation made to our local community. In light of this I wish my nominated charity for 2021 to remain the same. I have no aspirations of exceeding last year’s total figure as your generosity in those difficult circumstances was so outstanding. However, I trust you will support me in raising a substantial sum. In that light I intend to hold another longest day event on 21st June as well as joining in with the Macmillan National Coffee Morning in September.

Seniors’ Section Status

I am pleased to report to members that any misunderstandings regarding the status of our Seniors’ Section seem to have been resolved. As you know I have investigated the origins of our status within the Club. This has been within the context of an anecdotal understanding that, despite our name, we were really just an internal society given additional privileges. I undertook in my previous reports that no changes would be agreed without a vote of members at a general meeting. Until December of last year my efforts were based on an acceptance of that anecdotal understanding and discussing with Club officers the possible implications of formalising our status and aligning ourselves with the other Club Sections. At this point I must express my thanks to Fred Cox who, after reading my progress report in my Captain’s Corner, called me to draw my attention to the 50th anniversary publication (1998) of the Club magazine in which the Seniors’ Captain of the day stated that the Seniors’ Section was inaugurated in 1977. At this point my investigations turned to looking for evidence of what caused any change to society status. I must tell you now that I could find no such evidence. This resulted in a 180 degree change in perspective looking for evidence that supported our status as a formal section of the Club. That brought much supporting evidence into focus that all those so-called privileges simply confirmed our true formal status. Further discussion with the Club Captain resulted in an agreement that, in the light of no contradictory evidence, our status within John O’Gaunt Golf Club is that of The Seniors’ Section.  This matter was raised by the Club Captain to the General Management Committee at its meeting on 27th January 2021. After much discussion the Committee acknowledged that the status of the Seniors’ Section is a recognised section of the Golf Club in the same way as the Ladies’ and Juniors’ Sections.  

I think it is important to acknowledge at this point that this is the culmination of 2 years of Club Captains and Vice-Captains working together, supported by their respective committee’s to build an open and trusting relationship which acknowledges that we are all members of one Club. I would also like to pay tribute to Captain Peter Horlock who has worked with me over the last 2 years and given me his unstinting support without which we could not have progressed to this point.   I must also emphasise that while I see this as a very positive development, there is no cause for celebration as, quite simply, there have been no practical changes, just changes of perception. Indeed, as this matter has been something of a contentious issue in the past, I would greatly appreciate it if we treat it with a dignified acceptance consistent with our senior role within our Club. 

I readily acknowledge that this development provokes a number of supplementary questions regarding the differences in management, administrative arrangements and support of the various sections within the Club. However, I agreed with Captain Peter that we should take this one step at a time, within the principle that the organisation and management of the Seniors’ Section works well and conforms to the Club constitution. Also, “if it is not broken, there is no urgent need to fix it”. So for now, all else remains the same. Nevertheless, over the coming year I anticipate that there will be a root and branch review of the way our Club is managed top to bottom. Such aspects as management structure, governance, Club constitution as well as reconciliation of support, management and administration of sections within the Club will be covered.  I expect to be closely involved at the appropriate level of these discussions and my aim will be to bring us fully in line with other sections of the Club, to be fully inclusive and reconcile any outstanding issues.

I trust that you understand that I have not reneged on my promise that any change would be the subject of a vote by members at a general meeting.  Indeed, as I have emphasised, there has been no practical change. There has just been an acknowledgement by our Club that we are, and have been since 1977, formally The Seniors’ Section of The John O’Gaunt Golf Club.  I am sure this matter will be the subject of further discussion in the months to come and that I will include it as an agenda item at our 2021 EGM when that becomes possible.

Section Committee 2021

I would also like to thank members for reinstating the Seniors’ Section Committee, which I am sure you will agree has worked well to navigate us through the difficulties of 2020 and by doing so is best placed to do the same through the challenges of 2021. There is much for us to be cautiously optimistic about. Once we are all protected from this terrible virus and national restrictions are lifted, we have a full programme of competitions, matches and social golf to enjoy. Moreover, I believe that our new Head PGA Professional and his team will be a catalyst for the invigoration of our Club and our golf. There is still much to do, and I thank you for giving me and your committee the opportunity to make the most of the opportunities that 2021 offers.

Bill Walker