Thursday 31 December 2020

2020 Annual General Meeting




2020 Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 2nd February 2021 at 2.30pm


NB: Only those who have (re)joined the Section and paid the annual fee before 2nd February 2021 are entitled to participate in and vote at the Meeting. 


The following are already proposed for office and a seconder is requested – email if you wish to second any of the following






Bill Walker 

Algy Grimes


Algy Grimes

Bill Walker 

Honorary Secretary & 

Match Secretary 

Richard Westergreen-


Bill Walker 

Competitions Secretary 

Jonathan Lean 

Bill Walker 

Honorary Treasurer 

Les Bolland

Bill Walker 


Other nominations are welcome and must be proposed and seconded by 2020 members and the nominee indicate their agreement to be nominated in writing to the Hon Sec (email to by Monday 18th January 2021. If other valid nominations are received, a vote will take place in advance of the AGM. 


Proposals for Any Other Business should be notified to the Hon Sec by email by Monday 18th January 2021. Items should be Proposed and Seconded by two 2020 Golfing Members of the Section who should be named on the written request. 


Richard Westergreen - Thorne (Hon. Sec.) 30 December 2020 


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