Thursday, 31 December 2020

2020 Annual General Meeting




2020 Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 2nd February 2021 at 2.30pm


NB: Only those who have (re)joined the Section and paid the annual fee before 2nd February 2021 are entitled to participate in and vote at the Meeting. 


The following are already proposed for office and a seconder is requested – email if you wish to second any of the following






Bill Walker 

Algy Grimes


Algy Grimes

Bill Walker 

Honorary Secretary & 

Match Secretary 

Richard Westergreen-


Bill Walker 

Competitions Secretary 

Jonathan Lean 

Bill Walker 

Honorary Treasurer 

Les Bolland

Bill Walker 


Other nominations are welcome and must be proposed and seconded by 2020 members and the nominee indicate their agreement to be nominated in writing to the Hon Sec (email to by Monday 18th January 2021. If other valid nominations are received, a vote will take place in advance of the AGM. 


Proposals for Any Other Business should be notified to the Hon Sec by email by Monday 18th January 2021. Items should be Proposed and Seconded by two 2020 Golfing Members of the Section who should be named on the written request. 


Richard Westergreen - Thorne (Hon. Sec.) 30 December 2020 


Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Senior Section Committee Meeting 9th December 2020

Notes for members - Senior Section Committee Meeting

9th December 2020


In Attendance

Bill Walker (BW), Algy Grimes (AG), David Gauge (DG), Les Bolland (LB),

Jonathan Lean (JL), Richard Westergreen – Thorne (RWT), Peter Horlock (PH) and Gordon Macleod (GM) (for item 1)



1. Peter Horlock 

PH and GM joined the meeting and discussed a range of topics including the works being undertaken on the course, current playing arrangements, pro shop, Captains Charity and clubhouse/catering.

2. Minutes Previous 

These were accepted as a true record.

3. Matters Arising 

All actions from the previous meeting had been completed or were on the agenda for this meeting.

4. Captains Report

The 5 weeks since our last meeting has been relatively quiet on the active golfing front given that we were locked down for 4 of them. However, a number of important matters have been highlighted to the members through the weekly newsletter 2 of which contained rather lengthy Captain’s Corners.

The main topics covered were as follows:

1. Section Finances for 2021 proposing a reduction to £5. This received some push back

proposing that it remain at £10 with any surplus being used to support the Juniors’

Section. The way forward has been agreed ex-committee and needs endorsement at

this meeting.


2. Section Status. Evidence of our work looking into the formalisation of the Seniors

Section provoked a small number of responses (10). The majority were supportive,

although a few expressed concern about the potential increase in membership causing

management difficulties in organisation of competition, match and social activities as

well as diluting the level of camaraderie and ethos of our group. If all members of 55 and

above became Seniors’ Section members, the Section would stand at 599 which

represents over 50% of the Club membership. I have been in contact with members of

The Elders at Gog Magog GC (considered a Club of similar size) to compare best practice.

I am currently looking into the Club’s archives to clarify details of our original

inauguration leading to our current status and working with the Club to clarify details

and agree a way forward.


3. Due to a misunderstanding regarding dates the exchange day with Northampton GC for 2021 has had to be cancelled. A date of 18 July 2022 for this event has been tentatively agreed . I have invited the 2 representatives of Northampton Seniors’ Section to visit us as guests next year as a means of keeping in touch and they have responded with a reciprocal  invitation.


4. A short note was included in my last Captain’s Corner to highlight the relocation of the

Seniors’ Section’s Honours Board to the alcove opposite the main bar


Following discussion it was agreed that BW should continue to liaise with the club regarding Senior Section status.



5. Vice Captains Report

AG reported on the members of the section with whom he has been in contact and their progress back to playing golf.

6. Treasurers Report

The state of play as of today (3rd December) is as follows.


Cash in the bank £5117.60

Of this £2085.30 is captain’s charity money

Leaving a balance of £3032.30


At present we are all square with the club with just the Xmas Fayre to come.

There are 81 signed up to that which gives an income of £405 of which £243 will go to the captain’s charity leaving an income of £162. The prizes and raffle will be £290 meaning that I will subsidise the event £128.


If the subs are £5 with any payments over that going to charity then I am subsidising the subs by £850 (assuming 170 sign ups). That gives a total subsidy for Xmas Fayre and subs of £978


The Xmas Fayre last year spent £800 on prizes plus subsidy for the senior’s dinner was £400. Total £1200 (figures rounded up)


Three decisions need to be made on our usual gratuity to the F & B staff, our donation to the Juniors, and our gift of wine to the admin staff. For the last 3 years we have given the F & B staff £200. We have given the Juniors £100

and the admin staff a bottle of wine each. That is 6 bottles as I include Richard and the gardener.


My recommendation is that we do the same this year.


I also propose that we give a nice bottle of something to Lee and Sue. They have been very good to us over the discounted vouchers and it would be a one off.


The recommendations by LB were agreed and LB will distribute the presents and donations over the next few days.


7. Hon. Sec Report

Not a great deal has taken place since our previous meeting and my focus has been on

moving things forward for next year.


I still receive a small but steady number of questions, queries and observations from

members usually following a ‘prompt’ in the Newsletter.


With the calendar now fixed I am about to enter the matches with other clubs on to the club diary to go alongside the competitions that Jonathan is putting on to the system. It is the start of the AGM season and I have already heard from South Beds about their new officers for 2021. Like us they seem to be waiting to see what happens over the coming weeks with regards to fulfilling matches and the arrangements for them if they do take place. I will pass on any comments from other clubs that may be of interest regarding their plans for 2021.


Further to the comments by Bill Walker in his report Northampton have agreed a provisional date for 2022 but this would be a Carthagena day unless it was 3 balls from 11.00am. This will need to be further discussed with them and, hopefully, that can be done over a game with their Captain and colleague in the new year.


I have been in contact with Dave Wood and he is doing a very good job trying to keep track of the trophies. We will need to make sure that trophies are engraved with the new winners’ names and I have asked Dave to let me know the current position as I believe some have already been engraved by winners.


Once we have had this meeting and made a number of decisions regarding 2021

arrangements, including those for the AGM, I will go ahead and circulate to members.


8. Comp. Sec. Report

No competitions have taken place since the last committee meeting since the Powerball competition had to be cancelled.

There is one remaining competition this year with the Seniors Christmas Fayre and Baz Backhouse Trophy on Tuesday 22 nd December. Currently the entry list is full with 81 players and there are 16 on the waiting list. Proving to be very popular despite the weather and lack of the usual prizes.

I will start to put the 2021 competitions on the system now that the calendar is finalised. I will attempt to complete this job before Christmas.

There is still a fair amount of uncertainty about the format for these competitions because of Covid. Michael Grace is keen that we continue with a 1 tee start to maximise the number of players that can enter. He is happy to block off tee times from 7.30am up to around 1pm which would allow 102 players playing in threes. Using 2-tee starts would limit this to the following:-

JOG and CAR 3-balls – 69 players

JOG and CAR 4-balls – 92 players

If you look at previous competitions such as the Autumn Stableford from 2019, it used a 2 tee start from 8.30. The field had a maximum of 81 people playing at 9 minute intervals. That is the minimum gap you would go to. R&A recommend 10 minutes (3 balls) and 12 Minutes (4 balls) but Michael advised that we don’t follow that too closely as it would seriously reduce capacity.

A One tee start from 7.30 – 12.54 @ 9 minute intervals would get up to 111 golfers playing. The recommendation is to insert gap times at 9.00; 10.30; 12.00 to keep a better pace of play meaning 102 golfers would be able to play. Far better numbers realistically.

Pace of play is far harder to ascertain in a 2 tee start. David used to provide a finish time on the card too which acted as a good guide. There is an issue and expectation with pace of play at JOG which can be unrealistic but we should be targeting 4hours on CAR and 4hours 15 on JOG as realistic expectations.

We are maintaining 10 minute tee time gaps for social distancing purposes and to optimise course capacity.  Most of our competitions are 3 ball playing groups where theoretically we can go down to 9 minutes but having to leave ‘gaps’ to keep a better pace of play.  This results in virtually no change in maximum numbers who can play.


Traditionally we have had the presentations immediately after finalising the competition which, with a 2-tee start would be around 2.30-3pm. With a 1 tee start this would be delayed until 5 - 5.30pm so none of the early starters would still be there.

JL to enter the competitions for 2021 on to the system as a one tee start. When we are able to return to holding presentations in the clubhouse we will review this arrangement. The alternative, once presentations are allowed again, is a two tee start which makes it easier to hold a presentation but which limits the numbers able to play.

9. Immediate Past Captains Report

Nothing to report.

10. 2021 arrangements

The subscriptions arrangements for 2021 were agreed in item 6 above.

Two tee start for competitions for 2021 is part of the ongoing discussion with the club led by BW and noted in his report.

Both Knockout competitions have been entered on to the system for 2021.

It was agreed that RWT will offer to those members due to organise individual matches in 2020 first refusal to organise the same matches in 2021. It was agreed that match fees for 2021 will remain at £20 subject to a final check on catering costs and menu choices by RWT. Arrangements for recruitment of players would remain the same as planned for 2020 with an expectation that members play Home and Away against the same club. Selection over the season to be based on the fairness criteria used in 2019 to give everyone roughly the same opportunity to play.

It was agreed that we will publish a paper version of the Senior Section Calendar for 2021alongside an electronic version.

Once the arrangements for 2021 are confirmed and officers appointed at the AGM RWT will circulate a revised entry for the Senior Section segment on the club website to be uploaded.

11. AGM 

It was agreed that the AGM would proceed on 2nd February as a ‘virtual’ meeting. The arrangements for publication of notice of meeting, nomination for Officers for 2021 and the invitation to members for agenda items, etc. would proceed as normal.

DG will investigate Survey Monkey as a means to canvas members views on any topics where  a vote is needed at the AGM. 

It was agreed that there would be no changes proposed at the AGM in the Constitution (latest version 2017). If there was a need to discuss changes to the constitution at a later stage then an EGM of members would be held.

12. Trophies and presentation to winners 

A report from Dave Wood had been circulated in advance of the meeting. This report included an audit of the status of each of the trophies, their condition and where they are held at present. 

RWT will contact Dave about the engraving of the trophies and he will report back at the next meeting.

13. Date and time of next meeting 

19th Jan time to be agreed 

14. 2nd Feb – AGM 

The committee will meet at 2pm (provisional time) to conduct the business of the AGM.

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Senior Section Committee Meeting Nov 3 2020

John O Gaunt Senior Section

Committee Meeting

3rd November 2020

Attendance: Bill Walker (BW)Algy Grimes (AG), David Gauge (DG), Les Bolland (LB), Jonathan Lean (JL), Richard Westergreen – Thorne (RWT), Peter Horlock (for item 1)


Notes of the meeting

1. Club Captain Peter Horlock discussed a range of current club matters with the Committee and updated members on developments and progress. It was noted that Bill Walker has attended a number of recent club meetings to provide a seniors perspective.


2. Captains Report


The pace of Section management activity since our last meeting (4th August 2020) has remained brisk and looks like continuing for the rest of the year and beyond. The following topics highlight my main activities but exclude other detailed background endeavours:

1. Providing Seniors’ Section input into higher level Club management activities. There has been one meeting of the Golf & Social Sub Committee in the period which I am pleased to report was a face to face meeting (rather than Zoom) in the Burgoyne room. The dominating topic of discussion was the imminent introduction of the World Handicap System (WHS) which, by the time of this meeting, will be operational. I was delighted to hear the praise expressed for the Seniors’ Section in adopting the IG application for submitting scores, which will be a crucial factor in the successful Implementation of the WHS.  I also secured approval at the meeting for setting up the Tuesday Group to facilitate Seniors’ Section casual golf throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. See below for more detail on this. 
2. Charity Events. I wish to express my sincere appreciation to Seniors’ Section member Ian Simpson and Ladies Section Vice Captain Hazel House for their efforts in organising the Macmillan Coffee Morning Charity event on 25th September. Not only did it raise over £900 which was divided between my and the Ladies Section nominated charities but showed both our Sections in an excellent light performing as “One Club”. Next, I am hoping to sponsor the Macmillan “What’s your Score?” initiative during November. This is aimed at encouraging male members to be open about their cancer concerns and overcome the inherent reluctance to report symptoms. I do not intend this initiative to be a fund raising event but simply to benefit the health of male Club members and just maybe save lives.
3. Section Status. I will be meeting with Club officers on 4th November to discuss the status of the Seniors’ Section in the light of the Club’s “One Club” aspiration to reduce the fragmentation of the Club with its variety of societies into a more unified organisation.  I anticipate this meeting being dominated by financial aspects of any change of status and so I will be accompanied by our Treasurer.
4. Tuesday Group Set up. During this period we have received numerous requests to restart the Tuesday/Thursday Roll ups. While recognising the value of these events in enabling Seniors’ Section members to mix with and get to know as many other members of the Section as possible, it has not been possible to resurrect them due to the format of these occasions and the Covid-19 social distancing and other constraints. However, Covid-19 compliant arrangements have been devised and a pilot event took place on 27th October under the day to day management of Anthony Bell. Unlike the previous roll ups, the Tuesday Group is a Seniors’ Section sponsored event and will be operated under committee control.
5. Future Planning.  I am pleased to see more frequent committee meetings for the next few months as I anticipate a need for more agile management over this period. I expect our major annual events such as Bring and Win, Christmas Fayre and Annual Dinner may well be modified or even cancelled altogether as the second wave of Covid-19 gathers pace. We must also start to consider arrangements for a possible virtual annual general meeting.


BW answered questions regarding his report and updated the committee on his engagement with the club at several recent meetings. This includes a meeting at which LB will also attend tomorrow.

BW will provide information about thMacmillan Cancer Support Whats your score’ initiative. Post Meeting Note – initiative postponed until after lockdown.


3. Vice Captains Report

The Captain’s Day went well and I enjoyed my round with Paul Fletcher, unfortunately we lost out in the Captains v Vice Captains trophy by one point. Thanks to all who helped on the day.


I am being notified by various means about some of our members that have had issues during the period. 


AG then listed the members whom he had been made aware of and his response to them on our behalf.


4. Immediate Past Captains report


There were no matters to report.


5. Treasurer’s Report


The bank account stands at £3668.80 of this £1274.50 is charity money. That leaves a balance of £2394.30


I have already paid for the prizes for the last 3 competitions. Gordon Percival, Autumn Stableford & 3 clubs and a putter. I have not yet received the income from the club for them. £1325. Of this £687 will be added to the charity pot.


I am looking at a membership subscription next year of only £5. Collection should be by swipe card as usual open from 1st January 2021 until the day before the AGM. Payment after that will be direct to me.


Following discussion it was agreed that the subscription for 2021 should be reduced to £5 to reflect the level of balances of the Section as a consequence of lockdowns and the cancellation of the Annual Dinner and changes to the Christmas Fayre.

6. Hon Sec Report

The Newsletter continues to be the focus of my activity and it usually elicits a couple of questions or queries each week. It clearly acts as a good reminder to people to sign up for competitions as there is always a big spike to entries on Sunday and Monday each week.

Jonathan and I played at JOG with two people from West Herts early this year and we will be invited back to their club at some point. Bill and I were due to play two people from Millbrook on Thursday at JOG under a similar arrangement with a return game at some stage. Both clubs have approached us about playing them on a regular basis. Whilst we have a full list of clubs and matches it is useful to have good relationships with a couple of additional clubs just in case.

We have dates for all the games and I am pleased to report that so far no club on the list has contacted us with concerns about fulfilling the fixtures. Whether the logistics and practicalities of staging matches with other clubs make it possible to play come the first set of matches is anybody’s guess. With the first fixture not until March we can but hope!

I am pleased to see that the Tuesday Game has started and Anthony, despite his trip to hospital, is busy setting up for the next date of 10th November. From then on there are only two Tuesdays with something booked until March so, hopefully, the weekly games can become established and settle in to a good working routine. It has certainly proved popular with members and well worth doing.

It was confirmed that the Annual Dinner was regrettably cancelled.

7. Comp Sec Report

Competitions since the last committee meeting:-

Senior Captain’s Day 25th August 2020 

98 paid entrants plus guests Peter Horlock and Paul Fletcher with 4 withdrawals.  Winner was Richard Cooper with 37 points playing on JOG off the Yellow tees.  The only player to play better than his handicap!  Only 12 players scored 30 points or more.

Rob Anderson won the Putting Competition and the Captains beat the Vice Captains 37 – 36.

Seniors’ Bailiff Shield 1st September 2020

93 paid entrants, two of whom withdrew or did not return scores.  Winner was Ralph Black with 37 points playing on JOG off Yellow tees.  Rather better weather than for Captains Day saw 25 players getting 30 points or more but still only Ralph Black and 2nd place David Wood on 36 points played to their handicap or better.

Senior Section Gordon Percival Team Trophy – 6th October 2020.

This was played as usual as a Stableford.  Winner of the Martin Ives Trophy for the best individual Stableford Score was Nick Schumann with 38 points playing on CAR off the White tees.  Only six players played to their handicap or better out of 100 entrants.

Winning team for the Gordon Percival Team Trophy was Len Greaves, Sam Standen and Stephen Foster with a total of 100 points.

Autumn Singles Stableford 13th - October 2020

94 entrants playing on JOG off Yellow tees but with 8 withdrawals either on the day or just before.  Winner with 35 point was Richard Coventry.  Lower scores overall reflect the increasingly difficult playing conditions with wet ground and lack of run on the ball.

Seniors’ 3 Clubs and a Putter – 20th October 2020

Played on CAR off Yellow tees, 69 entrants with 2 no-shows on the day.  One was a genuine mistake but the other did not turn up! 

Winner with an incredible 41 point was Philip Armstrong, beating Sam Standen with 39 points into second place.  28 out of the entrants scored 30 points or better.  

Match against the Juniors – 27th October 2020.

Both camps managed to scrape together 12 players!  Match ended in a 3-3 draw so Bill Walker magnanimously decided to award it to the Juniors.

Scramble with the Ladies – 3rd November 2020

Rather more popular with 40 Seniors and 40 Ladies entering with a strong reserve list also.

Upcoming competitions:-

Seniors’ Powerball Team Stableford – Replaces Bring and Win.

As at 30th October we had 66 entrants.  Seems to be less popular than the conventional Stableford or Medal competitions. 

Christmas Fayre and Baz Backhouse Trophy – 22nd December.

Suggestions please for a suitable replacement for the traditional competition.  Should we stick to Stableford since the Powerball seems to be less popular?

The report was discussed and a number of points taken forward to the following agenda items.


8. Calendar for 2021


The draft calendar had been circulated prior to the meeting for members to review. It was agreed that:

The three clubs and a putter has proved to be more popular this year than the previous 2 clubs and a putter and so would be retained for 2021
The Autumn Stableford and Three Clubs and  Putter would swop dates
The Golfer of the Year competitions would remain as proposed for 2021
RWT to send to Michael Grace for a final check before publication to members


9. Christmas Fayre

After discussion it was agreed that the traditional prize format could not take place. It was agreed that the number of players winning a prize would double to 6 and the first prize would be £60 going down in £10 increments to 6th place with £10. It was also agreed that the section would pay for the raffle prizes from funds so increasing the donation to the charity and double the number of winners to 8.


10. AGM

After discussion about the options it was agreed to have this as an agenda item at the next meeting and that the discussion would also include the Constitution.


11. Trophies and Presentations

Dave Wood had provided the committee with an update on the whereabouts of the trophies and thoughts on how to get those that had been won to their worthy recipients.

It was agreed that BW would consider the options and discuss them with the club and to have this as an agenda item at the next meeting to confirm what arrangements to be made.

RWT to write to Dave Woods to thank him for his efforts and update him on next steps.


12. AOB

The Captaincy and Vice Captaincy for 2021 was considered and will be an agenda item at the next meeting.


13. Date and Time of next meeting


Wednesday 9th December – time and venue to be confirmed