Saturday, 9 December 2017

Senior Section Christmas Dinner Winners - 6th December 2017

Senior's Christmas dinner was held on 6th December in the Burgoyne Suite. Over 100 Seniors and guests were welcomed by the Senior's Section Captain Fred Williams who also said, "I would just say that the annual dinner was enjoyed by all". Ladies Captain Sue Colledge was also a guest at the dinner.
On completion of the meal, trophies were presented by the Club Captain David Wilsher and Fred Williams assisted by the Senior's Vice-Captain Jim Kerr to all winners.
It was good to welcome back old friends Peter Hollingsworth and Hugh Harknett. The section raised £3400 for our charity and Dr Colin Stokes MBE was kind enough to attend and accept our cheque.

The winners were as per the list on the evening's programme as shown below;

The Trophies


Senior's Captain Fred Williams

The winners are pictured below, please refer to list for the trophy won:

Golfer of the year Peter Imray with all his trophies - Well Done!
Peter Imray
Peter Imray
Peter Imray
Peter Imray

Algy Grimes, Stephen Cooper, Derek Page (Steve Akrill missing)

Alban Macdonald

Paul Jeeves

Alban Macdonald
Robert Anderson

Stephen Cooper and Dave Wilsher
Robert Anderson

Harry Wakefield

Chris Roy

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