Thursday, 21 December 2017

Seniors Christmas Farye & Baz Backhouse Black Enamelled B’Stard Trophy 19th Dec 2017

Despite dire weather warnings about blankets of fog and frost we managed to find a fine weather window for our Farye and the only concession to the elements was an early decision to make all bunkers GUR to avoid accidents in frozen craters and to allow poor sand players a respite from the dreaded concrete surfaces.

Hon Sec David managed to squeeze everyone in to the competition and so 86 woolly hatted mitten wearing seniors braved the Carthegena to play for their turkey dinners.

Nigel had taken us off temporary greens and we were able to play to the frost holes without fear of bunker trouble.
The Prizes
Peter Wade won the Baz Backhouse Black Enamelled B’Stard Trophy and first pick of the goodies from the prize table with 40 points playing off 13.
Winner - Peter Wade

In second place,and recently out of hospital from food poison (dodgy fish!) was Brian Williams with 39 points playing off 16. (We suspect he chose meat!!!)

Second - Brian Williams
In third place, on countback, was Neil Pinnington off 15.
Third place - Neil Pinnington
Graham McKay was thanked for being organiser and special thanks was given to Hon Treasurer Les Bolland for buying all the fayre presents, taking the trouble to seek discounts and bargain offers ,and sorting nearly all the background work to make the competition a success.

Les also reprised his recent Santa role (without the red togs) by visiting all our friends and staff at/or about the clubhouse/greens to deliver Christmas wine as a thank you from the Section as well as to give a Christmas gratuity to the bar/kitchen staff.
Some of our bar staff - Izzy and Hayley
The raffle raised a tidy sum of £172 which will go into the pot for the charity of the 2018 Seniors Captain Jim Kerr who will announce his charity at the AGM.

We didn’t get any reports of anyone playing from a bunker but a few silly old elves put their score in the computer as his stableford points and not gross score!

Mention was made that Paul Marshall eagled the 10th hole by sinking his 8 iron approach to the green which clearly helped him to come joint 4th with Steve Cooper, Colin Newbury, John Sandland and Chris Roy.

As it was Seniors Captain Fred's last competition he took the opportunity to thank everyone for supporting him and the section during the year and to wish all a happy healthy Christmas and Happy New Year.

Graham McKay Organiser

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Senior Section Christmas Dinner - Diners - 6th December 2017

Photos of the various tables at the Annual Dinner

Senior Section Christmas Dinner Winners - 6th December 2017

Senior's Christmas dinner was held on 6th December in the Burgoyne Suite. Over 100 Seniors and guests were welcomed by the Senior's Section Captain Fred Williams who also said, "I would just say that the annual dinner was enjoyed by all". Ladies Captain Sue Colledge was also a guest at the dinner.
On completion of the meal, trophies were presented by the Club Captain David Wilsher and Fred Williams assisted by the Senior's Vice-Captain Jim Kerr to all winners.
It was good to welcome back old friends Peter Hollingsworth and Hugh Harknett. The section raised £3400 for our charity and Dr Colin Stokes MBE was kind enough to attend and accept our cheque.

The winners were as per the list on the evening's programme as shown below;

The Trophies


Senior's Captain Fred Williams

The winners are pictured below, please refer to list for the trophy won:

Golfer of the year Peter Imray with all his trophies - Well Done!
Peter Imray
Peter Imray
Peter Imray
Peter Imray

Algy Grimes, Stephen Cooper, Derek Page (Steve Akrill missing)

Alban Macdonald

Paul Jeeves

Alban Macdonald
Robert Anderson

Stephen Cooper and Dave Wilsher
Robert Anderson

Harry Wakefield

Chris Roy

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Arthur Lucas Cup (Bring and Win) - 14th November 2017

The Arthur Lucas Cup (Bring and Win) was played for on the Carthagena course on Tuesday 14th November.

The Prizes

We had 66 competitors but Keith Fuller hurt his knee with his first shot and had to retire.

The weather was a tad warmer than of late but there was a bit of a chill and at least it was dry.

There was no entry fee and this boosted the raffle receipts which raised just over £200 for our charity.

Graham McKay was thanked, for again, being the organiser of the event and was presented with a bottle of wine.

Normally the top players are presented in reverse order but as the nature of the competition means that the higher up in the field the sooner you get to pick from the table of goodies Kevin Barbour (a relative new boy and first time winner) was presented with the Cup and given a keepsake trophy. He then had first pick of the table with a score of 41 points playing off a handicap of 21 which will be cut in due course.

Winner - Kevin Barbour
Second on countback with 37 points was Ned Yorke who couldn’t stay for the presentation due to a family bereavement,

In third place and still on a fine run of form was immediate past seniors captain Jim Peacock who narrowly pipped Terry McSweeney also on 37 points.

The best gross score, but only being able to take his turn at the table, was Phil White with a 74 and 36 points playing off a handicap of 5 .

There were a few reports of misfortune and bad luck etc from the field of players and Bob Anderson was mentioned because he chipped in for a 2 on the 13th but that was in a frost hole on the green!

After those that remained had collected their prize from the table we had left a packet of rubber tees and a Magibrush! They have been consigned to the seniors cupboard for later collection?
Fred Williams - Seniors Captain

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Ladies and Seniors' Texas Scramble - 31st October 2017

The Ladies & Seniors Texas Scramble took place on Tuesday 31st October on the John O'Gaunt Course.

All 100 entries turned up and registered. 
The Raffle made £75 for Fred's Seniors charity and £75 for the Lady Captain's charity.

Skill Prizes.

Ladies nearest the pin - Lorna Jerome
Seniors nearest the pin - George Turner
Nearest the pin on the 16th for the ladies was Lorna Jerome

       Nearest the pin on the 16th for
        the Seniors was George Turner.


Wine for Organiser Les Bolland

The Organisers

Flowers for Sue Colledge
Main result;

3rd place with a net 64.6 (all scores were adjusted with a nominal 3 entered for the 4th for all teams)

Pat Court, Brian Gill, Alban Macdonald and Penelope Staveley-Smith.

Third - Alban Macdonald, Penelope Staveley-Smith, Pat Court (missing Brian Gill)

2nd place with a net 63.6

Pauline Gauge, Diane Munns, Derek Weller and Phil White.
Second - Phil White, Pauline Gauge, Diane Munns (missing Derek Weller)
Winners - with an net 61.9
Theresa Brown, Steve Cooper, John Ellary and Tineke Smith

Winners - John Ellary, Steve Cooper, Theresa Brown, Tineke Smith
Les Bolland - Organiser


Wednesday, 25 October 2017

TSB Trophy - Seniors v Juniors - 24th October 2017

For the past 2 years this competition has been won by the Seniors. This year the match was played over 17 holes on the John O’Gaunt Course in dry benign conditions. The junior pairings sparkled and had a resounding success winning 6 matches to two and the two matches that were lost were very close fought with Junior Captain Daniel Haugh (with Rachel George) giving shots to Seniors Captain Fred and Algy Grimes to lose 2 and 1. The other loss being to the artful Pat Gilgallon playing with Michael Newstead who just got past the post 1 up against Bradley Williams and Ethan Akpan.

Although many games were tight there were some heavy defeats with vice captain Jim Kerr and David Lincoln losing 4 and 2 to Junior's vice captain Joe Clark and Alex Zavodov. Even the redoubtable Phil White lost 2 down to Harry Warmouth and Callum Bareham with a chip in birdie helping Callum home. Perhaps the biggest surprise was the loss by the Section's most consistent player this year  Peter Imray (with Tony Goodson) 5 and 4 to the diminutive James Stocks and Caitlin Thomas which very much had the look of David v Goliath on the first tee. Dave Gauge (back from a few weeks holiday in India) playing with the steadfast Bill Walker were overwhelmed 5 and 3 by Ixie Akpan and Tom Sennett. The final two junior pairings also winning to secure the Trophy. The Seniors didn’t play too bad, just hats off to the brilliant performances of the youngsters.
Daniel Haugh receives the TSB Trophy

It was good to welcome back to the club Steve Akrill who was applauded and thanked for his many years of support, help and leadership to the Junior Section.

The Organisers Sue Lee (Juniors) and David Crosby (Seniors ) were thanked for their efforts.

Caitlin Thomas
Steve Clark
Nearest the pin on the 16th Juniors - although Harry Warmouth and Alex Zavodov names were on the marker, Caitlin Thomas was able to beat them to the pro shop voucher.

Nearest the pin on the 16th Seniors - won by Steve Clark just being inside the shots of Algy Grimes and Phil White.
Daniel Haugh
Tony Goodson
Longest Drive 5th Juniors - Junior Captain Daniel Haugh
Longest Drive 5th Seniors - Tony Goodson

The Victorious Juniors then gathered for a team photograph, the smiling faces says it all!!

The 2017 Juniors
Fred Williams - Seniors Captain

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Autumn Singles Stableford Competition - 17th October 2017

A  good field of 81 competed for the Stableford Trophy on the Carthegena Course. We had missed the side effects of Hurricane Orphelia by one day but the course had significant leaf fall which made finding balls a bit tough but losing them easy and this spoiled a number of cards. Well it is an Autumn competition which is “fall” in the USA!

John Ellary was thanked for his efficient organising of the event and charity raffle collection which raised £188.00 and was pleased to receive a sleeve of balls to make up for some lost to the course.

Although not in contention for one of the prizes Colin Beales was cut 0.4 on his round of 94 gross and nett 74.

Michael Newstead narrowly missed out in 4th place on countback with 37 points and cut 0.3. He opined that he should have easily got 40 points but we can’t cut him on a wish.

In third place was the usual suspect Robert Anderson with yet another good competition round with 37 points and cut 0.3.
Third Place - Robert Anderson
In second spot was another senior golfer often in contention, namely  George Turner also with 37 points but 21 on the back nine against Robs 18 on countback  and also cut 0.3.
Second Place - George Turner
However the winner of the Trophy with 40 points and a cut of 1.2 and now playing off 13.6 was the redoubtable Harry Wakefield who graciously thanked his playing partners in his acceptance address for their contribution to his very good round by finding his ball whenever  he thought it was lost to the foliage.
Winner - Harry Wakefield
Anders Lindquist was singled out for mention at the presentation for his generosity to the Senior Captains charity for buying 8 raffle tickets where the norm is 3.

Also mentioned in dispatches was Mrs Ann Gill who provided Alban Macdonald with an unusual rose as a family gift and insisted on making a £10 donation to our charity.

John Ellary - Competition Organiser