Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Christmas Fayre and Baz Backhouse Trophy December 17 2024


Captain Richard Westergreen-Thorne presents Andrew Wellings with the Baz Backhouse Trophy

Everyone's a winner in the Christmas Fayre and Baz Backhouse Trophy competition - the last of the year for the Senior Section.

Joints of meat, wines, spirits, chocolates and biscuits - something for all 75 players in this festive get together. And there were quite a few festive outfits too to complete the scene.

Everyone arrived in good time for the 10am shotgun start on Carthagena. But hang on, who was that rushing to the tee with minutes to spare?

It was Paul Jones who opened his car boot only to find that he had left his clubs at home. But Paul is not the kind of chap to let a missing set of clubs spoil his day so he appealed to the pro shop for help and they  hurriedly put together a bag of random clubs for him. Amazingly he scored 37 points - only two less than the winner!

After the action everyone gathered in the clubhouse for free sandwiches and chips courtesy of Captain Richard's honorarium and waited for the all-important results.

But before that there was a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday to Dave Wrench, a presentation to the kitchen and bar staff of a Christmas gift from the seniors in recognition of their hard work throughout the year and a few trophy presentations to winners who had been unable to attend the Presentation Evening earlier in the month.

Scoring at the top of the Christmas Fayre leaderboard was incredibly close with no less than six players on 39 points. Winner of the Baz Backhouse Trophy was Andrew Wellings, followed on countback by Malcolm Roberts and Jim Kerr. Well done also to Colin Norman, Andy Brown and Phil Gow who all scored 39.

Runner up: Malcolm Roberts

Third place: Jim Kerr

Richard presented Paula with a Christmas gift for the kitchen and bar staff

Chris Sullivan is presented with the Rex Cleaver Championship Cup

Geoff Scott is presented with the Jubilee Trophy

Peter Jarman is presented with the Fourball Better Ball Trophy

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Christmas greetings from Andy Shilton


Pictured is Andy Shilton's yacht Olive Oyl, safely tucked up in the Marina and looking very festive. Andy tells me he won't be doing any sailing now until the New Year

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Presentation Evening Dec 3 2024

The Senior Section celebrated its 2024 winners at a Presentation Evening in the Burgoyne Suite when trophies and certificates were awarded by Club Captain Justin Thomas and Senior Section Captain Westergreen-Thorne.

Golfer of the Year: Graham Gadsden 

Ron Atkinson: Certificate of Achievement after 54 years competing in the Senior Section

Keith Howlett, who won the Fourball Better Ball Trophy with Pete Jarman

Kevin Cocker: winner of the John Freedman Annual Medal

Keith Howlett: winner of the Rex Bullock Shield

Ken Robinson Texas Scramble: Jonathan Lean, Trevor Darrington and Bob Isaacson won with Paul Jones who couldn't be present

Peter Imray: winner of the Bessant East Scratch Trophy

Rob Bage: winner of the Annual Stableford Trophy

Richard Westergreen-Thorne: winner of the Kethro Tray Captain's Trophy

Justin Thomas and Richard Westergreen-Thorne: winners of the Captains v Vice Captains Trophy

Richard Westergreen-Thorne: winner of the Jim Peacock Away Day Trophy

Graham Lewis: winner of the Bailiff Shield

Gordon Percival Team Trophy: John Hazelwood, Graham Gadsden and Bill Conway

Warren Churms: winner of the Martin Ives Memorial Shield

Paul Hammond: winner of the Two Clubs (Now Three) and a Putter Trophy

Ian Riches: winner of the Autumn Singles Stableford Trophy

Nick Church accepts the TSB Trophy on behalf of the Juniors for their victory over the Seniors 

Jack Shepherd: winner of the Arthur Lucas Cup

Malcolm Roberts: winner of the Jock Allan Prostate Cancer Project Trophy

Paul Hammond: winner of the Green Tilley Singles Trophy

Dave Wood accepts the Holmwood Plate on behalf of Dennis Ford

Jack Shepherd and Hazel House: winners of the Foursomes Knockout Trophy

Lorna Jerome, who was runner up in the Foursomes Knockout with Cav Kendall

Peter Imray: runner up in the Golfer of the Year Competition

Chris Roy: 4th place in the Golfer of the Year Competition

Rob Bage: 5th place in the Golfer of the Year Competition

Master of Ceremonies and Trophy Officer Dave Wood is presented with a bottle of champagne for his hard work throughout the year

The raffle raised £245 for Captain Richard's charity The British Heart Foundation