Thursday 26 September 2024

Honours Boards Unveiling - Thursday 26th September 2024

Despite the rain around 50 past and present seniors and partners turned out for the unveiling of our four new honours boards recognising the achievements of the winners of the Reg Batson, Rex Cleaver, Annual Stableford and Golfer of the Year Trophies. With the new boards already populated with the winners of each for the past 20 years it was great to see around 20 former winners amongst the crowd to unveil the new boards. Lots of photographs were taken and we are sure that many more will follow over the next few weeks and months as the boards are proudly shown off to fellow golfers, families and friends.

A special thanks go to Paul Marshall for prompting the committee to ask for additional boards for the seniors, to the club for agreeing to our request, to Richard Hyett from the club who completed and erected the boards and to Algy Grimes for all his hard work to get the boards made and to make it all happen.

A good evening and great news for those who win the competitions in the future that their names will be added to the boards and proudly displayed in the clubhouse.

Richard Westergreen-Thorne
Senior's Captain


Senior Section Past Captains Lunch - Thursday 26th September 2024



The first of two Senior Section events on the day was the Past Captains Lunch in the Burgoyne Suite. A very welcome new tradition for the seniors (this was the third year) the lunch saw 12 past captains assemble for the meal along with the current captain and Justin Thomas the Club Captain who took the opportunity to thank everyone for their service and commitment to the seniors and to the club.

Over a two course meal the captains took the opportunity to reminisce, share golfing tales and exploits and, for some, look at our new developments such as the terrace and practice area for the first time.

It was a very pleasant occasion, enjoyed by all. Who was there? Look at the photographs to see if you can work out who is who. 

Richard Westergreen-Thorne
Senior's Captain

Saturday 21 September 2024

Seniors Home Match v Bedford & County - 20th September 2024

Captain Richard Westergreen-Thorne with 
Organiser Terry Domagala and their opponents

Friday saw the last of this years seniors matches, with a visit from Beds and county.
The twelve aside match was played on the Carthagena course which been subject to
course maintenance, meaning pick and place on the fairway was in place and the
greens were running much slower than normal. On what started as a fairly dull
overcast day, the trial of the two tee start system was used supervised by Barry
Donovan and as the morning progressed the weather turned into a pleasant warm
autumn morning.

The first group out was Captain Richard Westergreen Thorne partnered by myself
Terry Domagala, with a very tight match with many holes halved, Richard played
very well, with us winning the match on the 17 th hole. The following three groups out
of Algy Grimes and Jed Isbell, Jonathon Lean and Trevor Darrington and Paul Life
and Micheal Newstead all narrowly losing their matches it was left to the last two
pairs to try and salvage the match. The fifth group of Peter Imray and David Lincoln
won 1-0 followed in by a resounding win with the final pair of Paul Hammond and
Tony Walters winning 5-4, with Tony putting in a superb display thus earning JOG
seniors a 3-3 draw ending the season with Four draws in the last 4 matches.

The nearest the pin competition on the eighth hole was won by Algy Grimes, and the
morning was rounded off with a delightful meal of gammon and bubble and squeak
followed by a berry crumble.

I would like to end this with a big thank you to Match Secretary Algy Grimes, for the
effort he has put into organising this years senior matches, and all of the rest of the 

Terry Domagala

Friday 20 September 2024

Seniors Away Match v Harpenden Common - 19th September 2024

Captain Richard Westergreen-Thorne and 
Organiser Phil Armstrong with their opponents

A cool morning greeted those gathering for our most southerly match location.

After the coffee and teas the usual introductions were made.  Captain Richard revealed that the wound to Chris Sullivan’s face was caused by being attacked by a parrot.  This resulted in a number of piratical comments of the “Ah, Jim lad!” variety.

There was a 3 tee start so no one was waiting around for long before setting out. Captain Richard and I struggled over the early holes taking some time to get used to the fast-running course and speedy greens.

The day grew warmer as did the competition in our match.  Most holes were won or halved in par and in one case halved with birdies.  The Harpenden Common Seniors Captain was a wizard with the putter, barely touching the ball but finding the hole regularly. 

The match remained close and was all square after 14.  Then the wheels came off and we lost 3 holes in a row to end Richard’s winning streak.

We then retired to the club house with the hope that others had done better.

Things were looking good and with 6 matches in John O’Gaunt were 4-2 up.  The last two matches came in against us and so it was a 4-4 draw, the third in row in two weeks.

Special mention goes to Tony Waters who chipped in twice during his round.

Match results were.

Richard Westergreen-Thorne & Phil Armstrong            Lost 3&1

Paul Life & Tony Waters                                              Won 3&2

Rob Ebsworth & Stephen Mathers                               Won 2&1

Nigel Underwood & Graham Gadsden                          Lost 5&4

Len Greaves & Chris Sullivan                                      Won 5&3

Chris Dennis & Andy Lawrence                                   Won 2&1

Trevor Darrington & Paul Hammond                             Lost 2&1

Terry Sweeney & Ian Riches                                       Lost 2&1


Phil Armstrong

Match Organiser

Friday 13 September 2024

Seniors Away match at Gog Magog on 12th September 2024

It was only 6 degrees when I set off on a sunny but cool Autumnal morning.  I headed  due east towards Gog Magog and the sun was dazzling, causing the idiot in front to drive too slow. By the way in case you didn't know the difference, an idiot is one who drives too slow and a maniac is one who drives too fast. The traffic was heavy around the Caxton Gibbet road works (A new 10 mile dual carriageway that will connect the Black Cat roundabout and Caxton Gibbet) but not to worry the roadworks will be complete in 2027!

I pulled into the car park directly behind Captain Richard who was struggling to gain access past the barrier so by my rules I wasn't late, unlike a few unfortunate guys who hit traffic and were able to utter the old adage "the traffic was awful"

The golf course was in tremendous condition and the leading match started off well with John O Gaunt winning a closely fought game on the 17th after I tried to enter Gog Magog's nearest the pin, which at that stage was "miles" away.

John O Gaunt won  the second match to finish, and things looked good. Soon we found ourselves 3-2 down then 4-3 down so we waited for the last match's result with baited breath.  Due to the two tee start our hopes were pinned on Richard Young and Alban MacDonald who were the last group to start from the 1st tee and they didn't let us down.

Our nearest the pin was won by Rob Ebsworth displacing Jack Shepherd who had displaced yours truly. That was two days on the trot for Rob because he won at nearest the pin at South Beds yesterday!! Well done! 

The individual  results that made up a very creditable 4-4 drawn match were:

Richard Westergreen-Thorne and Paul Jones won 2&1

Jack Shepherd and Paul Hammond won 4&3

Graham Gadsden and Chris Roy lost 4&3

David McNair and Rob Ebsworth won 2&1

Gavin Little and Michael Newstead lost 3&1

Richard Young and Alban McDonald won 5&4

Stephen Mathers and David Trotter lost 1 down

Gerry Degaute and Rob Isaacson lost 5&4

If you have never played Gog Magog you are missing a treat and it might be worth considering using your Joker next season to ensure you play here at least once.

We had a lovely meal and thanked our hosts and set off to navigate Cambridgeshire's traffic.

Paul Jones

Seniors Away to South Beds on 11th September 2024

Captain Richard Westergreen-Torne and Organiser Chris Dennis 
with their South Beds Opponents captain Bryan Murnane and Martyn Graham

On a sunny day but with a chilly wind blowing the stage was set for a challenge on the
chalky grasslands around the Galley hill rising from the edge of Luton. Captain Richard
and I had a great start 1 up after 1 and steadily built on our lead to be 4 up at the turn.
We dovetailed well throughout the match and battled with a strengthening wind and a
couple of heavy rain showers on the back 9 but we ended the match with a 5&4 win so
1 up to JOG.
Now we were comfortably sitting in the clubhouse waiting in anticipation for the
remaining match results, but we lost matches 2, 3 and 4, so 3 - 1 to South Beds. Things were
looking bleak, much like the weather as the heavens opened with a heavy
hailstone storm. At least we could use that as our excuse for losing but wins in matches
5 and 6 meant we were level so, 3 each. It now relied on the last two matches which both
ended in halves so after all that the match was drawn – South Beds 4 and JOG 4.
Rob Ebsworth won nearest the pin for JOG on a tricky uphill hole.

Match results:

#1 Richard Westergreen-Thorne & Chris Dennis – WON 5&4

#2 Dave Trotter & Tony Lloyd – LOST 3&2

#3 Paul Jeeves & Steve Mathers – LOST 5&4

#4 Jonathan Lean & Graham Gadson – LOST 4&3

#5 Nigel Underwood &Paul Hammond – WON 3&2

#6 Warren Churms & Rob Ebsworth – WON 4&3

#7 Michael Newstead & Derek Page – HALVED

#8 Tony Walters & Peter (Algy) Grimes – HALVED

Chris Dennis


Friday 6 September 2024

Seniors Away Day, Whipsnade Golf Club September 5 2024


Captain Richard is presented with the Jim Peacock Shield by organiser Richard Coventry

Forty seniors made the trip to Whipsnade for the annual Away Day - a highlight of the Senior calendar.

The traffic was bad, the weather forecast was "iffy" but it turned out to be a very enjoyable day -  especially if you scored a hole in one! But more of that later.

The day started with a wonderful full English in Whipsnade's impressive Hacienda-style restaurant.

Working off the calories was a challenge, but well worth the experience.

The course was in great condition although the greens were incredibly fast and it was almost impossible to land the ball on them without it running off the back - even though the resident golf pro said they "were quite slow today".

Scoring reflected the conditions: fourth place went to Anthony Bell with 31 points, third to Graham Gadsden with 31, second to Fred Williams with 32 and first to Richard Westergreen-Thorne with 35. Richard, hard on the heels of his Senior Captain's Day victory, also picked up the coveted Jim Peacock Shield.

Nearest the pin prizes were won by Bill Walker, Michael Newstead, Richard Coventry and Tony Lloyd who achieved a hole in one on the 13th.

Captain Richard presented organiser Richard Coventry, who has run the away day for the past 10 years, with a bottle of port.

Second place: Fred Williams

Third place: Graham Gadsden

Fourth place: Anthony Bell

Nearest the pin on the 3rd: Bill Walker

Nearest the pin on the 7th: Michael Newstead

Nearest the pin on the 13th - and a hole in one -  Tony Lloyd

Nearest the pin on the 17th: Richard Coventry

Captain Richard presents organiser Richard with a bottle of port 

Tony retrieves his ball from the 13th after a hole in one

Wednesday 4 September 2024

The Prostate Project Man Van Launch – 3 September 2024


Bill Walker, organiser of the Jock Allan Prostate Cancer Charity Day, attended the launch of the Prostate Project's Man Van - and also presented the charity with a cheque from John O'Gaunt. Here is his account of the day:

On Tuesday 3rd September I attended the launch of the Prostate Project Charity’s latest achievement, the Man Van. A £200,000 mobile PSA testing facility. While I was there, I presented a cheque for £5,300, the final balance of our Jock Allan Prostate Project charity day last April. I also took the opportunity to meet the relatively new Chairman of the Charity Martin Davies who was unavailable for this year’s charity day but promised to be with us next year. I also met many other key players within the charity including our good friend Colin Stokes.

Presenting the cheque to Chairman Martin Davies (Right) with Colin Stokes (Left) in attendance in front of the Man Van

I also took the opportunity to advise them of the date that we plan to hold the 2025 Jock Allan Charity Day (April 14th) and express our hope of having the Man Van on site for that day offering “Free” PSA tests for all Club members (male of course) over the age of 40 years. The response was most positive.

In addition, I obtained an advance copy of the charity’s 25-year anniversary newsletter. An 8-page account of what the charity has already achieved as well as its plans for the future. It’s a real eye opener and we get a mention on the final page.

Bill W






Tuesday 3 September 2024

Seniors away to Millbrook September 3 2024

Captain Richard Westergreen-Thorne and organiser Jonathan Lean with Millbrook's
 Martin Howell and Peter Whistler on the first tee

Captain Richard in the deepest bunker on the course

Organiser Jonathan Lean reports

 It was with some degree of trepidation with the windscreen wipers on double speed that the JOG team drove to Millbrook for this annual match.  The team were under strict instructions to have a good night’s sleep in order to be able to tackle the relatively mountainous terrain of this lovely course which is situated right next door to the Millbrook off-road vehicle testing track.

Fortunately the course is very well drained and so no slippery mud to deal with.

After the usual welcome with tea, coffee and biscuits we split into 2 groups of 4 teams with some off the first tee and the other having a bit of a walk to the 17th.

For those of you who have played Millbrook you will remember the first hole.  A long and accurate drive is needed in order to be able to get your second shot to the bottom of the cardiac hill leaving a blind third onto the green on this par 5.  Our captain set the tone for the day by putting his opening drive onto the testing track and therefore had to take 3 off the tee.  Yours truly hit a good drive only to put my second onto the testing track!  I managed to get onto the green in 5 just 5 feet from the pin.  Unfortunately it was the pin for the 16th hole on this enormous shared green leaving me with a good 50ft putt.  So, one down after one hole.

The second is also a par 5 where we scrambled a half only to go 2 down on the third which was a par 4 with stroke index 1.

Any course with 2 par 5 holes to start followed by the hardest hole on the course is a challenge indeed.  And so it proved as we lost the 5th also to go 3 down.

The tide turned on the 9th where our captain managed to chip from the bottom of a valley to within 6 inches of the hole for a magnificent birdie reducing the deficit to 2.

The 10th was the JOG nearest the pin.  Richard went first and put it on the green but his euphoria was short lived as my tee shot took a lucky bounce when landing on the green finishing 4ft from the hole.  Good enough to win the hole and a bottle of wine!  Back to one down.

Our charge was short lived though as our opponents won the next 4 holes to win the match 5 & 4.

The next match to finish was ‘Mr. 3 wood’ Paul Hammond and David Tamsitt who managed a 3 & 1 win.  Apparently Paul now needs to be called ‘Mr. Driver’.

Paul Life and Trevor Darrington came in next with a 3 & 1 win also and briefly things were looking good for JOG but this was also short lived as the next 4 matches all went the way of Millbrook.  A semblance of respectability was given by Barry Donovan and Alban Macdonald who won the last match 1 up with Alban holing a 15ft putt on the last green to secure the win.  The length of this putt gets longer with each telling of the story!

So, overall the result was a win for Millbrook 5 – 3.  The blow was softened somewhat when the Millbrook captain, Martin Howell confirmed that he could not remember the last time that they lost at home.  The value of local knowledge on this excellent golf course.  It is a tough course but with a lot of memorable holes with interesting challenges.  One or two steep climbs with footpaths looking like mountain passes with hairpin bends and some of the deepest bunkers outside of St. Andrews but well worth the effort.

I look forward to returning there next year.