Senior Committee meeting minutes July 18 2024
Present: Richard
Westergreen-Thorne (RWT), Jonathan Lean (JL), Barry Donovan (BD), Nigel
Underwood (NU), Dave Wood (DW), Tony Lloyd (TL). Apologies for absence: Algy
1 Minutes of the previous meeting
were accepted
2 Matters not arising elsewhere on
the agenda
An approach had been received from
the organiser of Northampton Golf Club’s social team asking if we would be
interested in playing regular matches against them in the future. It was
decided that this was more suited to a club event than a seniors event.
Action: TL to kindly decline their offer and pass the
correspondence on to Gordon McLeod.
3 Captain’s report (RWT)
Apart from a
number of items covered elsewhere in the agenda much of my engagement since the
last meeting has been away from the course.
With the new
structure of the club coming into place Jonathan attended the inaugural
Captains Committee meeting as both Tony and I were away and I then attended the
follow up session on my own when Tony was away. This committee is designed to
be a sharing session with the Club, Senior and Ladies Captains and Vice
Captains present along with representatives of the Juniors and the House,
Charity, Golf and Handicap Working Groups.
both Tony and I attended the latest meeting of the committee last week. I have
already distributed a copy of the report I tabled about our activities to this
committee and Tony and I can update you on what transpired at the session at
our meeting.
I also
attended the first Golf Working Group Meeting where I presented our Staggered
Start Proposal. As you are aware this was forwarded to the Executive Board for
their consideration, and I subsequently attended a Board Meeting to present a
revised proposal. I was very pleased to report that the request has led to a
three-match trial later this year and this is a separate agenda item.
As Tony and
I now meet with the Club Captain and Vice Captain on a regular basis at the
Captains Committee it has been agreed that, to reduce the workload and avoid
duplication, the Vice Captain will not, in future, attend our committee
I played in
the recent Captains Day Competition and attended the pre round breakfast as a
guest of the Club Captain. I have also accepted a similar invitation to the
Ladies Captains Day in a few weeks’ time.
I am
delighted to report that the JustGiving contribution from the seniors to the 54
hole longest day challenge was over £1,750 inc. gift aid. A splendid effort
towards the club charity of Macmillan Cancer Support and I can assure Tony that
it was very easy to do the 54 holes. It created a lot of interest amongst the
seniors and has the potential to be a much bigger opportunity for the club.
We are fast
approaching a few weeks with plenty of events and competitions coming up and so
I am looking forward to lots of opportunities to present prizes and awards to
fellow members.
4 Vice
Captain’s report (TL)
TL reported
that a member of the senior section was currently in hospital and that he would
send a get well soon card on behalf of the seniors
5 Immediate
Past Captain’s report (JL)
Nothing to
Treasurer’s report (BD)
1. Current Financial Situation. As of 16th
July 2024, our cash position is very positive at £5261.14. However, I have had
to accrue for outstanding Club invoices for Matchday food (£3072) and £300 for
prizes. Additionally, there are outstanding Debtors of £1096 (main Club). Our
net position for the year to date is therefore a Nett £666.86, leaving our nett
cash position as £3023.84, once
everything has caught up !!
The admin process surrounding Club Matches is
still somewhat fraught and we have particularly suffered due to the Clubhouse
Manager’s absence due to illness and holiday. However, ever the optimist, I
hope these issues will now be behind us !!. The Accruals and Debtors – above –
mean at least from a Cashflow point of view – we know where we are.
A point for 2025 – we need to clearly understand
what Matches are to operate on a non-reciprocal basis. The Organiser needs to
take responsibility for overseeing the payment and collection of food costs as
it is not always clear what has been agreed. We have one match still
outstanding (which Ian Riches is chasing).
I have requested an update on the Captain’s
honorarium and will advise once received.
Christmas Fayre. Over the coming weeks I will be
contacting Hurren’s and Piggot’s for costings. Carl is aware that this approach
will be happening and is keen to get involved.
Finances of the Bring and Win, Christmas Fayre and Presentation Evening to be
discussed at the next meeting
7 Honorary
Secretary’s report (TL)
Not much to report from me this month that is not covered
elsewhere on the agenda.
The 2025 calendar is now complete, with all the competitions
and matches agreed with Nigel Tarn and the clubs we play in matches.
I have signed up four new members since our meeting in May:
Peter Sweeney, Dave Gabbitas, Euan Gill and Alan Slingsby. Our practice of
welcoming new members worked well with at least one “newbie” now playing
regularly in the roll ups.
I have had a few issues with the newsletter not being
received by a number of members which has entailed me sending it out again to
those who missed it. I’m not sure what caused it but I suspect some internet
providers, specifically btinternet, are sensitive to what they think may be
spam. Last Sunday (July 7) I am pleased to say there were no issues. It made me
think that we could do with an IT expert to call on in situations like this.
8 Competition Secretary’s report (JL)
Since the last meeting there have been four competitions.
Annual Medal Trophy and Jubilee Trophy. 83 entrants.
Won by Kevin Cocker with a nett 69
Rex Cleaver Championship Trophy. 92 entrants.
Won by Chris Sullivan.
Reg Batson Trophy. 40
entrants. Won by Cavan Kendall.
Annual Stableford.
114 entrants. Won by Rob Bage.
We have at last managed to have one successful Stableford
Roll-up on 2nd July. Well
attended with 20 attendees, 12 of whom submitted cards. The next one on 25th July is ready
to go.
The Member and Guest Day is full with a reserve list set
up. The draw is done and I think that
all the special requests have been accommodated.
The Senior Captain’s Day is also full with 100
entrants. A reserve list is set up.
The Bailiff Shield on 20th August is now open for
entrants and at the time of writing there were 85 entrants. Nothing after this until the Gordon Percival
in October.
I have started to carry out training for Nigel
Underwood. This will be an ongoing
Part of the training was entering competitions for next
year. It was noted that our entry fee is
£5 and has been fixed at this price for as long as I can remember. Should we consider a modest increase to £6?
Action After a discussion it was decided to keep the
entry fee at £5 for the time being
9 Match Secretary’s report (AG)
Due to being on holiday from the 5th to 19th
July, I must offer my apologies for non-attendance at the meeting, so please
take the following as my report for the meeting.
Our last meeting in early May I reported that we had
played four matches, two home and two away. Won one, Drawn one and Lost two.
Unfortunately, my report doesn’t bring any better news of our fortunes since
We have played seven home and three away, we have Won
three and Lost seven. Most were lost by the odd
game or two, but there was 6 – 2 defeats at both Saffron Walden and
Northampton. Plus a 5½ - ½ loss to Brocket Hall.
The more worrying fact is that withdrawals have seen
quite large numbers with five pulling out of two matches, a total of 25 over
the ten matches, two were actually those that had played a Joker.
Selections have been made for Tranche 4 matches plus the
Leighton Buzzard away match which appeared in the wrong tranche.
Tranche 5 closes on Monday 22nd July, and I
hope to again ask Dave Wood to meet with me to help select the teams. We have a
healthy sign up with the exception of South Beds away, only 15 signed up as I
write this report, if nobody else signs up I do have some that I can call on.
10 Staggered start trial
Action RWT to send briefing note to those playing in
the trial matches
11 Future events
Member and Guest Day: NU gave an updated report on
the day’s activities and refreshments
Action JL to email entrants with competition details,
TL to organise the raffle with the help of Dave Gauge and take photos of teams
if time allows
Senior Captain’s Day TL gave an updated report on
Action BD to run putting competition with the help of
Dave Gauge
Away Day Nothing to discuss
Swap Day AG to discuss arrangements with Peterborough
Swap Day 2026 A tentative approach from Luffenham
Heath offering a swap for a maximum 24 players on a Wednesday was
discussed. It was felt these two conditions were too constraining
Action TL to kindly decline and begin the process of
finding another venue
12 Honours boards
The boards are nearing completion
Action Find a date for a 6pm unveiling ceremony. TL
to invite past winners whose names appear on the boards. TL to check with
Justin Thomas whether the new “Captain’s Fund” could help pay for the boards
13 Any other business
BD asked whether there would be interest in a golfing
weekend away for senior section members.
Action: BD to come up with an outline proposal at the next