Monday, 23 March 2020

Coronavirus Cointrol Measures- 23rd March 2020

Coronavirus Control Measures - Course Closure (23 Mar 20)

We are living in quite extraordinary times when there are many more important matters than golf. 

Following the Prime Minister’s address to the nation this evening, we are obliged to close the golf courses with immediate effect; this includes the practice facilities, the ProShop and the Clubhouse.

As stated by the Prime Minister, these measures will be reviewed after an initial period of 3 weeks; please continue to monitor e-mails from the Club and regularly check our Facebook page for more information.

Clearly, following on from National and County level decisions, all Club competitions and knockouts have been postponed until 31 May at the earliest – this will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.  Any member who has entered such events will be refunded their entry fee.

These are truly exceptional times.

Look after yourselves, your family and neighbours...this is much more important than a game of golf!

Keep well, keep safe.
Message taken from club website.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Seniors and Ladies Greensomes - Thursday 5th March 2020

Seniors and Ladies Brave The Mad March Weather 

March 5th saw this year’s first mixed competition between the Ladies and Seniors of John O'Gaunt Golf Club.

After a shotgun start, and despite the freezing damp conditions, 50 mixed pairs played a Greensomes format competition on the Carthagena.  And despite the worsening weather conditions all pairings completed the course.

Then back to the clubhouse, not just to warm up, but to enjoy cakes and savouries supplied by the ladies, with the men providing the liquid refreshments!
In first place were Val Day and Ton McEvoy with a superb 39 points, closely followed by Pat Harrington and Derek Young with 38 on countback.  In third position were David Lincoln and Jim McIlwaine also on 38.

(Thanks to Val Cooper for the report and photographs)

Winners Val Day and Tom McAvoy with
Ladies Captain Anita Isaacson and Seniors Captain Bill Walker

Runners-up Pat Harrington and Derek Young

The Competition Cake