There were 62 members present at the AGM, with over 100 not able to attend. David Gauge welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave his report. Following this he presented the new Captain, Bill Walker, with his captain's sweater and after this Bill returned the favour by presenting David with a gift from the Seniors Members.
David Crosby was presented with a gift by Bill for his services to the section as Hon Sec for the past three years.
The new committee is made up as follows;
Captain - Bill Walker
Vice Captain - Algy Grimes
Hon Sec & Match Sec - Richard Westergreen-Thorne
Competitions Sec - Jonathan Lean
Hon Treasurer - Les Bolland
Immediate Past Captain - David Gauge
Outgoing Captain David Gauge opens the meeting |
David presents new Captain Bill Walker with his sweater |
New Captain Bill Walker address the meeting |
David is presented with his gift from the Seniors |
David Crosby is presented with a parting gift for his services as Hon Sec. |