Monday, 20 January 2020

History of the John O'Gaunt Golf Club Seniors Section

The John O’Gaunt Seniors’ Section – The Story so Far.

The John O’Gaunt Golf Club was first constituted in 1948, but it was not until 1977 that the Senior Section was first inaugurated. The story began when a small group of retired members came to the conclusion that it would be in everyone’s interest if there was some structure to their somewhat ad hoc arrangement to their weekday meetings to play golf. This intrepid band of stalwarts included a Mr Jimmy Lane who was installed as first Captain in 1977. He was ably supported by: Hector Barratt, Cedric Woodger; Rex Clever; John Spence and John Freeman all of whom can legitimately be acknowledged as the ‘Founding Members’. The records also show that each of them, with the exception of Jimmy Lane, subsequently became Captain of the Section after serving one year as Secretary.

The function of Secretary was far removed from that seen by current holders of this position since there were no rules; subscriptions or trophies to be played for. It was definitely an era of ‘Senior Citizens’ as most of them were 65 and over. In the words of one of them “A genuine group of old crocks”. The numbers at this time were around twenty people.

Inter club fixtures were also very limited in the early years and it was one of the main tasks of the Secretary of the day to test out the prospect of playing other clubs in the area, and of course negotiating a slot with the General Committee for the return match. This task proved to be quite difficult in those more austere years. They were eventually with Harpenden Common which became one of their first fixtures and was very popular with members at that time because the Harpenden course was relatively flat and not that difficult. [author’s note: some things never change].Another popular venue was Berkhamstead where, quote “all the member were Gentlemen”. This status was earned by the Berkhamstead team who waited on their guests during the meal. A further complication was the fact that few clubs at the time had a organised Senior Section and in that sense it could be said where John O’Gaunt Led, others followed. Has time went on and more people retired, the section grew and with it came the need for a more permanent figure in the role of Secretary, a challenge which was take on by John Freeman who served in that capacity for eight years. During this time the membership continued to grow and has contact with other clubs developed the [match] fixture list grew to include: Ramsey, Wellingborough and Ashridge. Gathering a team together was often a problem and it was not uncommon for John to have to press gang non-retired members to make up the numbers. [author’s note: and then some things do change]

Another one of John’s successes at this time was his effort to persuade the General Committee to approve internal Competitions. The first of these was the Annual Medal Trophy which he very generously donated and was first played for in 1979.

At this time, the General Committee also granted permission for the Seniors to hold a Member and Guest day which also included a handsome trophy donated by Phil Whitbread. Another very welcome addition to the trophy collection at this time was donated by the Trustees Savings Bank for the annual match against the Club Juniors. This came about because by now subscriptions had been introduced and the £1 membership fee required the Section to open an account. When John finally handed over to Frank Tilley in 1986, the number of inter club matches had risen to 10 with 8 internal fixtures.

Shortly after Frank’s term of office, the vogue for early retirement began and very quickly the membership had risen from forty to ninety. With membership increasing and the popularity of the Club’s Senior Section becoming more established, the fixture list grew to the point where the club set a ceiling thirteen home matches. By the time Frank gave up the post of Secretary the Section was in desperate need of help and the role of treasurer and Leo Pickett took office.

A further phase in the development of the Senior Section came with the appointment of Gilbert Stewart as Secretary in 1991 and, at his behest, the establishment of a Section Committee which is now appointed and approved annually at the Section Annual general meeting. At the time of writing the membership stands at 170 with the Section being self financing and able to contribute funds to the Juniors’ Section as well as selected charities. The Seniors do not ask the Club for financial aid and contribute significantly to Club income through bar takings as well as supporting the catering facility. The annual Christmas prize-giving dinner which was inaugurated in 1979 is now a major event in the Club diary providing the Section with an opportunity to show its appreciation to the Club management and administrative team for their value support.

In conclusion, it is worth noting the contribution that many of the Seniors have made to the overall running of John O’Gaunt. Jimmy Lane for instance, served on the General Committee and later became President of the Club from 1979 to 1985. Cedric Woodger became Club Captain in 1982.

Mr Cedric Woodger Club Captain 1982


                                                                             Mr Rex Clever Club Captain 1986-87

 Rex Cleaver is of course now well established in the annals of the Club for his work in producing the first Club Brochure in 1989 following his term as captain in 1986. There were many mainstream developments during these evolutionary years of the Club with perhaps the notable being the creation of the Burgoyne suite, which involved a major contribution from Reg. Parrot. Reg. Was Chairman of the House Committee at the time and shouldered significant responsibilities for the controversial project.

Finally, the primary and real success story of the Seniors’ Section is the camaraderie and friendship which has grown up between members and fellow members of other clubs that distinguish it not just as one Section within John O’Gaunt Golf Club  but as a fraternity which works so well for its members and for the general Club as a whole.

Throughout the years the list of trophies for which the Seniors now play has grown to include the following:

John Freeman
Annual Medal Trophy
Rex Clever
Championship Trophy
Rex Bullock
Reg Batson
Aggregate Shield
The Kethro Tray
Captain’s Trophy
Phil. Whitbread
Member and Guest
Gordon Percival
Team Trophy
Donator unknown
Annual Stableford Trophy
Harry Bailiff
Bailiff Shield
Neville Hoole
Arthur Lucas
Scratch Trophy
Donator Unknown
Foursomes Knockout Trophy
Singles Knockout Trophy

J Lane
M R T Holmwood
C A Woodger
R M Horley
RF Cleaver
J Allan
J Spencer
E J Crome
J Freeman
P S Morris
R G Bullock
L W T Tharby
F C Snape
C M Poole
A N Pirie
B J Bullen
J Nichols
T F Hazell
W G Wilson
A D Bliss
L Seeley
Dr F D Moyniham
R G Parrott
W E Skelding
W M Hyde
R L Smith
J Hellyer
J Moms
P G East
A A Fowler
J G Ince
R G Coventry
R D Hutchinson
J A Peacock
J G Windsor
F Williams
R Batson
J Kerr
R Emery
D Gauge
W Walker 
T J Pugh
W H R Howard




Sunday, 5 January 2020

Seniors Christmas Fayre & Baz Backhouse Trophy - Tuesday 17th December 2019

There was a total of 84 members playing in the competition which was ably organised by Les Bolland. The top tree players were - Winner-Nick Seeley with 45 points, Second-Tony Walters with 44 points and in Third place- Ralph Black with 39 points. Some photos of the winners below.

A splendid table full of prizes was there for all to choose from in order of position in competition. Nick Seeley had the first pick, what a choice he had!!

The scramble to take your pick!!

Winner - Nick Seeley

 Second - Tony Walters

Nearest the Pin - John Sandland

Organiser Les Bolland receives a bottle for his troubles