Sunday, 8 December 2019

Senior Section Annual Dinner - Tuesday 3rd December 2019

On the 21st day before Christmas the Senior Section had:

80 hungry diners,
25 shiny trophies,
20 skilful winners,
5 main course choices,
4 bottles of Rioja (on our table anyway - oops!)
3 Jolly Captains
2  no Vice (hah!) Captains
And a Scot not wearing his kilt

David Crosby - Hon Sec.

The Trophies
 The winners were
Seniors' Captain - David Gauge
                                                   Club Captain - Phil Haddow                                     Ladies' Captain - Anita Isaacson
                                                             Presentation of cheque to MS-UK for £3,750.00

The winners in no particular order......


Golfer of the year
Vernon Toms 

Monday, 2 December 2019

Arthur Lucas Cup (Bring & Win) - Tuesday 12th November 2019

Report to follow...
The prizes

Winner - David Crosby

Second - Bill Conway
Third - Michael Newstead
Nearest the pin - John Thoday