Sunday, 3 November 2019

Seniors and Ladies Mixed Texas Scramble - 29th October 2019

The traditional Scramble with the Ladies took place on Tuesday 29th October and was well supported with 84 players. Thanks to Hon Secretary David Crosby for formulating the cards and start sheets and to Les Bolland and Paul Marshall for registering everyone on arrival. Thanks to Anne Gurney for arranging the flower bouquet in the ladies changing room which was later presented to Ladies Captain Anita Issacson on her first official engagement.
Anita Issacson receives the flowers from Bill Walker
We enjoyed good weather but the John O’Gaunt course proved quite challenging and this influenced the time taken to complete the competition.
Congratulations to the winning team Jean Cobb, Lorna Jerome, Malcolm Falconer and David Wood with a score of 65.1.
In second place Marion Cooper, Val Day, Bill Conway and Colin Newbury with 66.5,
and in third place Joanne Churchman, Celia Whitecross (Dooley), Graham Berry and Stephen Collins with 66.6.

The nearest the pin winners were Susan Lee and Brian Bullen. The charity raffle raised £200.00 which was shared between the Ladies Captain’s charity Keech Cottage and Senior Captain’s charity MS-UK.
Jim Peacock

Winners - David Wood and Jean Cobb (Lorna Jerome and Malcolm Falconer missing)

Second - Colin Newbury, Val Day, Marion Cooper and Bill Conway

Third - Graham Berry, Celia Whitecross (Dooley), Stephen Collins and Joanne Churchman

Seniors NtP - Brian Bullen
Ladies NtP -Sue Lee