Tuesday, 26 February 2019

JOG Senior Section AGM - 12th February 2019

The Annual General Meeting of the JOG Senior Section took place in the Burgoyne Suite at 14.30 on Tuesday 12 February 2019 with 62 members in attendance.

The officers for 2018 all presented their reports for the year, Jim Kerr Captain, David Crosby Hon Secretary and Les Borland Hon Treasurer. All reports were accepted by the assembled company.

The following officers were elected for the coming year:-

Captain Dave Gauge

Vice-captain Bill Walker

Hon Secretary David Crosby

Hon Treasurer Les Bolland

A new committee post was created, Match Secretary, and Richard Westergreen-Thorne was elected to this.

Our retiring captain makes up the final committee position as immediate past captain. 

Retiring Captain Jim presented incoming Captain Dave with his Captains sweater, see picture below. 

In return Dave presented Jim with a card signed by members, and informed him as a result of a collection £400 had been credited to his club account. 

Discussions also took place on the effect the new handicap bands are likely to have on competition entries. Details of these can be found in the AGM minutes. 

David Gauge receives his sweater from Jim Kerr

The Committee - Les Bolland, Richard Westergreen-Thorn, David Crosby,
Jim Kerr, David Gauge, Bill Walker

Jim Kerr presented with his card from the Seniors

Bill Walker is welcomed into the post of Vice Captain
Dave Gauge - Seniors Captain